5 Surprising Scientific Facts About Love

There are many scientific data about love that can go against that magical vision that shows much of the cinema or literature. Here are some of them.
5 surprising scientific facts about love

More and more scientific facts about love are known and many of them are surprising. Research in this regard has allowed us to verify that the feeling that poets and singers reveal has much more to do with the brain and hormones than with dreams and illusions.

Scientific data on love reminds us that falling in love  is physics, chemistry, and biology. Of course, it does not come down to this, because it also acquires meaning within the mind and shapes perceptions about life and relationships with others.

Romantic love is and will be a source of motivation and dreams. It enriches life, makes us more creative and makes us happier. In addition to this, scientific data on love explain that this feeling causes interesting physiological reactions and that almost no one escapes its spell.

Boy putting a flower on his girlfriend's head

Scientific facts about love

1. One of the scientific facts about love: it’s like a drunkenness

When people say they are “intoxicated with love,” perhaps it should be taken literally. A study published by the journal Neuroscience and Biobehavorial Reviews in 2015 points out that loving feelings are experienced “similar to a drunkenness.”

The research, carried out by scientists at the University of Birmingham, indicated that during infatuation there is a high release of oxytocin, also known as “the love hormone.” The effect that this substance causes in the body is very similar to that of excessive alcohol intake.

2. It can modify the brain

A team of scientists from Hanui University of Science and Technology published an interesting study in the journal Frontiers of Human Neuroscience . In it they announced an experiment that was carried out with 100 volunteers, among whom there were lovers, recently abandoned and lonely.

The brains of these people were examined using MRI scans and it was found that the lovers had greater brain activity in the areas related to motivation, reward and social skills. Their brains were remarkably similar to those of addicts.

3. It has nothing to do with chocolate

There is a belief that love sorrows are easier to forget if you eat chocolates. Apparently, this food would have some components that balance the chemical effect that the absence of the loved one leaves on the brain. Therefore, those who go through a disappointment do not stop eating cocoa in all its forms.

One of the scientific data on love indicates that this belief is absolutely false. It is true that chocolate has phenylethylamine, a substance that also appears during infatuation. However, love makes it occur naturally, but when ingested through the digestive tract it loses all its effect.

4. If it makes you feel butterflies in your stomach

If someone loves another person, perhaps they can say that they do so “with all their heart.” The truth is that the stomach should also be added to that description, as revealed by some scientific data about love. The famous fluttering of butterflies in the stomach does exist and it is felt in the presence of the loved one.

It is a kind of tingling, which feels like a “happy fear”. Science has revealed that this occurs because there is an association between the brain and the digestive system. If you like a person, seeing them can trigger many physiological reactions. Among them, a slight and rapid pulsation in the stomach.

Heart shaped soap bubbles

5. Monogamy in animals

This scientific fact does not have to do with love, strictly speaking, but rather with fidelity. As is known, there are some species of animals that choose a mate and stay with it until death. Why do they do it? Actually, his reasons are not especially romantic.

In some cases it happens because there are few specimens. Other times it has to do with the fact that the young are very vulnerable to a hostile environment and staying together improves the chances of survival for them. The available information indicates that only 5% of the species are monogamous and that in all cases it is due to a practical reason.

Be that as it may, love is and will continue to be a fabulous state. It leads us to intensely experience each sensation. It also makes us more dynamic and sensitive. Be it chemistry, physics, biology or semantics, love is always worth it.

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