Discovering Your Dreams Is The First Step To Happiness

Discovering your dreams is the first step to happiness

The famous writer Aldous Huxley says that “there is only a small part of the universe that you will know for sure that can be improved and that part is you.” If we follow this reasoning, it seems clear that discovering your dreams can be an exceptional first step in trying to be happy through self-knowledge.

Following Huxley’s reasoning, we can continue a thought process that goes from the general to the most trivial and elementary to come to the conclusion that knowing oneself, sincerely and introspectively, can be a great step towards happiness.

The human being in the universe

We continue our thought process based on Huxley’s phrase. To do this, we have to perform a complex exercise. We are going to visualize the universe that surrounds us in all its immensity. An empty space full of galaxies, stars and planets of such size that it is difficult to even imagine.

The next step that we propose basing this process on Huxley’s statement would be to observe our planet within that immense visualized universe. If you think about it, the Earth is a gigantic size for each person but, seen in universal measurements, it is less than a speck of dust in a desert of great proportions.


Three friends near a mountain

Within that tiny speck of dust among so much immensity you are. A small and singular being with his own conscience of existing in an uncontrollable maremagnum of such biblical proportions that it is difficult to imagine.

Don’t you think that everything is too big and uncontrollable? Yet here you are. With awareness of yourself. In reality, the only certainty you have is your own existence. We are small, but we are manageable. Once you are aware of it, you have already taken the first step to discover your dreams, get to know yourself better and try to find happiness.

How to discover your dreams

To discover your dreams you need to explore the field of self-knowledge. This is as simple and at the same time as complex as knowing a little more about yourself every day. However, not as simple as we might think.

The Canadian academic Hayakawa said that “the individual who admits that he knows very little about himself has the best chance of discovering things about himself before he dies.” If we start from this humble premise, there are two branches of psychology that can help you in this complex task :

  • Introspection: Introspection is an exercise in looking within. Thanks to it, you can better understand your situation and mental state while analyzing your emotional and cognitive processes from a philosophical and psychological perspective.
  • Evolutionary psychology: It consists of the study of the changes produced in humans throughout their life cycle. Reactions to the environment, increasingly complex states and greater knowledge of oneself through the use of scientific instruments are his fields of work.

The whole deductive process of knowing you better to discover your dreams leads us to think about the reasons. Can being more self-aware really make me happier? Some advantages that are achieved with this complex process that can serve as a guide:

  • The better you know yourself, the clearer your motivations will be.
  • A person who is self-aware is less manipulative, so they will have high self-esteem and will be more confident in their decisions.
  • We all make mistakes. However, self-knowledge allows you to learn from them.
  • The security of knowing how you are will allow your relationships with the environment to be more positive.
  • Given your confidence, criticism will be much less painful on your psyche.
  • Thanks to self-knowledge you will feel freer whatever your environment.

In conclusion, it can be deduced that perhaps discovering your dreams will not make you any happier, but there is no doubt that it is an important step to feel that you are someone valid in the immensity of a gigantic universe, sometimes too cold.

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