This Short Will Help You To Think If You Are Happy With What You Do

This short will help you to think if you are happy with what you do

Are you happy with what you are doing right now? Think about it. You may be dedicating yourself to a job that you do not like, that you are accompanied by the wrong person or that you are not even enjoying all those things that you like to do so much, making yourself an excuse that you do not have time.

We usually live automatically, loaded with obligations and responsibilities without taking into account our personal well-being, as the protagonist of our short. The only thing we know how to do is forget ourselves. We make ourselves invisible and we don’t even question whether we are where we want to be, doing what we want to do, accompanied by the person we want by our side.

Sad scarecrow

You may have gotten so used to your routine, to your day to day, that you are not even considering the possibility of change. Have you thought about it? The habit can be a good companion for its tranquility, but it also has the ability to limit us and impede our growth, both work and social or personal.

The difference between custom and passion

It is not the same to dedicate yourself to something for which you feel a true vocation and passion, than to an imposed work, for which you do not feel the slightest interest. It is not the same to be with the person who makes you happy than with someone to whom you have become accustomed and with whom indifference has settled. Nor is it the same to do things to do, than to carry them out because they bring a touch of flavor and color to your life.

There is a difference between doing things out of habit and doing them out of passion. The habit entails automatism, inertia, an unawareness. Passion brings life, desire, enthusiasm and color. The emotion is in the passion and not in the habit. Happiness is creating your attitude, your life and your opportunities.

Perhaps, the world urgently needs people who love what they do, but above all you need to do things that you love, be with people you love and dedicate yourself to what you are passionate about. You do not enjoy the same thing, you do not live in the same way or feel the same or is it not true? Being happy also requires effort.

You need to love what you do

You need that intense shine in your eyes to shine again, you need that emotion and intensity to return to your life. May hope appear and illusion join your company. You need to love your day to day and all that it entails. You need to be the engine of your life and be able to direct it where you want, with the people you want and in the way that seems best to you.

Happy scarecrow

At the risk of sounding utopian, I can tell you that this is possible. It takes a lot of desire, a lot of courage and bravery, and a lot of passion, curiosity and illusions. Opportunities do not come out of nowhere, you have to go out and look for them and I can think of no other way than with a great desire to change and abundant doses of effort to fight for our dreams.

The results will come but with time. You just have to decide to want to take the wheel of your life and start planting seeds so that little by little they bear fruit. I am not telling you that it will be a simple task, I am not saying that it will be a task without obstacles but I can tell you that it will be one of the most beautiful and pleasant things that you will carry out in your life. The courage to fight for what you want is priceless.

Do what you love and you will be happy

It may happen to you at this time as the protagonist of this short film at its beginning, that you are tired and wrapped in an atmosphere of inertia and inertia, being unhappy and that you have a dream on the waiting list, waiting for the perfect moment to be comply. But there is no perfect moment, you create the perfect moment to make your dreams come true.

Why don’t you act like the main character in this short film, who, tired of his situation, decides to fight for his dream little by little and finally manages to be happy? Tired of working for a pre-manufactured food factory, he decided to turn his life around by starting to cook natural foods with the aim of cultivating a better world.

You can do it too, you just have to find what you love and go looking for it. With patience, with effort, with courage and bravery, but above all leaving love at every step. The happiest people I have come across have been those who found what they wanted to do and decided to go looking for it.

Enjoy the short!

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