Stand Up Against Criticism

Make yourself strong in the face of criticism

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Criticism is inevitable

Acceptance is the first step. If we don’t realize that criticism is normal, frustration will wipe us out. Unless we live on an island, separated from the rest of humanity, there will always be someone who says something negative about us.

We must also accept that, some more and others less, we have all had this behavior at some point. Perhaps they have been more innocent or perhaps more destructive. We may have done it because that is how others were doing it. Let us accept that sometimes we criticize and that, other times, we will be the object of criticism.

Cultivate patience

Man subjected to criticism

Patience requires putting all our resources to work to maintain peace of mind. It consists of not being impulsive and staying calm, letting immediate emotions cool down in order to analyze the situation and act more rationally.

These tools are, among others, taking a deep breath, forcing yourself to be quiet for a few moments, starting to count if necessary, or focusing on something different, for example, on a pleasant image or memory.

Learn to forgive

We will always find people who will hurt us. In some cases they will be toxic people, in many others they will have done it without malicious intent. But whatever the reason, disappointment and pain are inevitable.

Forgiving means accepting what has happened and letting go. It involves placing things in the past and not letting them affect our present. Although it is not easy to do it, it is the most beneficial for us. It’s the way to move on.

What to do when faced with a destructive criticism?

This is the one that costs the most to face. It must be understood that they constitute a provocation and, therefore, if we respond to it, we will enter a war. Probably there will be an escalation of disqualifications in which we do not win anything more than a good displeasure and perhaps, a bad image in the face of third parties.

In these cases, it is advisable to arm yourself with patience and show indifference. Do not play the game because, as the saying goes, ” there is no greater contempt than not appreciation .” The other person is looking to harm us and, if we make a shell and do not let it affect us, we will be winning the game.

Criticism is his way of venting envy and an attempt to regain his self-esteem by lowering ours. Think that if someone criticizes you like that, you are doing something right.

What if we are the ones who criticize?


Woman talking to another

When we are the critics, the first step is to reflect on that behavior. Why do we do it? Is it because our friends criticize and we try to join in the conversation? Is it because we are envious? Or because we are ashamed of our flaws and want to show that the other also has flaws?

Reflection will help us to change it. It is never too late to improve or change what we don’t like about ourselves. Working on empathy and learning to put ourselves in the place of the other will be an exercise that, without a doubt, will make us feel better.

Live away from criticism

Without a doubt, criticism is so ingrained in society that it would be a utopia to think that it can disappear. But by introducing small changes in our life, we can get rid of its most negative effects.

Learn to accept constructive criticism and use it as a springboard for improvement. Ignore unfair criticism and stay away from the toxic people who promote it. Avoid doing it yourself as much as possible, and do not participate in such conversations. Without a doubt, it will improve your peace of mind and you will have a calmer and happier life.

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