Pablo Ráez: A Wonderful Reflection Of Life

Pablo Ráez: a wonderful reflection of life

Pablo Ráez, has been an example of struggle and life until the end of his days. Until the last breath. Pablo, was a boy with a life like any other 18-year-old boy. The exception in this case is marked by the diagnosis and the onset of the disease that yesterday ended his life.

Unfortunately, Pablo has only been one of the many people who have suffered from cancer. Physically and emotionally, socially and in the family, cancer does not affect only the person who suffers it, it is an evil that goes beyond. Change the family system and relocate it immediately.

But Pablo went much further. He converted each of the news he received of his illness into life learning. Something that especially requires great strength when not all the news that the doctors communicated to him were good.

Pablo Raez

Pablo Ráez and the wonderful encounter with the meaning of his life

His life became LIFE. The uncertain visitation of death kept him more alive than ever. What a cruel paradox and at the same time so beautiful. Seeing death from up close invites us to LIVE. To absolutely savor every second that our heart beats. Everything is a surprise, everything is new and everything can have as many nuances as the opening of our senses allows.

Whoever sees the finiteness closely sees the infinite ways of savoring the life that each one of us has. We learn in an almost instantaneous act the true value of our life. We hold it tightly because it is what we have. We seize our lives like a child holds his favorite stuffed animal. With strength, determination and with unconditional love.

Pablo Ráez appreciated his life, understood its value. He searched and found the meaning of the restlessness that the disease brought him. FOUND reasons, reasons to live for. Life is a gift, he said. And he was right. He took advantage of every moment of his life, still hurting and suffering the uncertainty of not knowing if he would have to say goodbye soon.

Death teaches us to live

The nearness of death is perhaps the saddest alarm clock in life. It is one of the most disturbing paradoxes that we harbor in our existence. Whoever sees his days ending, notices the meaning of his existence. Understand that life is HERE and NOW. And understand that this is a magical and exact equation. Life is here and now. Life is happening as you read these words.

We live distracted from what is truly important. Pablo is one of the many people who have wanted to contribute their lessons forever. When one sees something with such clarity and feels it from the depths of his being with a mobilizing energy … one finds PEACE. A peace that is much better if it is shared, because then it finds a much more powerful meaning.


Somehow it is as if Pablo with his lessons wanted to tell us… Hey! What are you doing with your life? Do you think that your life is just that which is paralyzing you? Your life is much more than that thought about work that does not leave you alone. Your life is more than that complaint that accompanies you. Open your eyes! Don’t wait for sunrise, for the sun to go down, for a month to pass or for a birthday!

Life is only here and now

You choose. But life is what you have your feet on while your head is installed in the past or in the future . It is important to understand the past to project yourself like a rocket to the future. But staying stuck in one or the other and constantly ruminating does not give us room to savor the opportunity to breathe, to touch, to feel, to touch or to declare ourselves.

Thank you Pablo Ráez for your strength and for having put a loudspeaker on what was happening to you in the hope that it would serve others. Thank you for having opened up to the world when the luck that has come from somewhere has been so elusive.

With only 20 years you have been an example for each of us. Unfortunately medicine has not been able to do anything else to help you, instead you have helped many people – sick and not sick – to wake up. You have taught us that no matter how big a problem, it will never be everything and that we are much more than what fate or opportunism has in store for us.

Thank you for loving life like you did.

Rest in peace. In that PEACE that you finally found one day in your life. That of which you have left us a large piece, despite your illness, and for which we thank you deeply today.

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