Destiny Is Not A Matter Of Chance But Of Choice

Destiny is nothing more than the result of our personal decisions and the context in which we operate. There will always be a way to change the course of our lives, and we will talk about that today.
Fate is not a matter of chance but of choice

Destiny is not written in the stars, the wind or the earth. Our future can only be planted, watered, cared for and gathered by ourselves. So it is better that you stop letting yourself be carried away thinking that it is the wind that sways you, because it is not like that, since you are the only skipper of your boat.

We should not think that destiny is something inert, immovable and still. We should not be victims of ancient beliefs that blame great and omnipotent deities for everything that happens to us. There is no being of immense power who decides for us. It is our heart that takes the paths to follow, and our feet that advance along them.

Fate on the cards of the deck

It is true that at birth, we all have a series of cards with which we must play. You may have seen the light in the bosom of a wealthy and wealthy family. It is also possible that your delivery took place in much worse conditions. However, these facts should not be an obstacle or reason for you to conform and let yourself be carried away by the circumstances.

Flying girl held on by ropes by birds

Whatever the environment in which you have to grow and live, you are the sole owner of your destiny. The cards that have fallen into your hands by luck have aces, kings and knights. Never settle for what you think is immovable, because then you can end up suffering a hard, dull and sad life.

In our hearts and in our personal capacities there is enough strength to deny a destiny that we do not like and that makes us unhappy. We must always find the energy within each one of us to improve ourselves and look to the future with hope and enthusiasm.

The roads of destiny

The paths of destiny are not always easy. Despite being born in a comfortable situation, fighting against the environment in which you move is never easy. But this is not a reason to give up and get carried away by circumstances.

We are the only owners of our destiny. We decide what we want to do with our life, our world and our environment. It is up to you to settle for what you have been given, or to try to do something good with the tools you have.

Life is a beautiful gift that has been given to us. And only our soul, our heart and our thoughts depend on what to do with it. The time that is given to us is a very precious asset that we have to respect and love, making the world around us beautiful, beautiful and endearing.

Fate is a matter of wanting. And wanting is power. The human heart is a powerful weapon that serves much more than pumping blood throughout the body. Use it wisely to improve your life and that of yours. Enjoy the goods that you have around you along with those who sincerely love you.

Boy walking with a cat near the moon

Never settle for what you don’t want

Sometimes we are like reeds in the wind, and we let ourselves sway because we think it is the best option. But being unhappy is never a wise choice. Thinking that others will be better off because of our lofty sacrifice and lack of self-esteem and self-love will never be accurate.

How can you ask someone to love you if you don’t start with yourself ? Your misfortune does not make anyone happy. Your self-love, on the other hand, can improve the lives of those around you. So, do not get carried away by what you think is your destiny, because only you have the power to write it.

Gone are the way of life of the classical Greeks, who left their fate in the hands of the gods. There is no deity in the world capable of telling us how to be, how to think and how to act. Only our hearts and minds are wise, they  have the ability to communicate and write the book of our life. Be strong of spirit, believe in yourself and look to the horizon with a halo of hope as you decide your life course.

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