5 Phrases By Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel marked the history of philosophy. Today we want to take a tour of her through some of her best phrases.
5 phrases by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) was one of the most important philosophers of his time. In fact, his works are the most difficult for researchers to interpret as Hegel tried to cover as many topics as possible. But, in addition to his studies, this philosopher left us some phrases that are a good invitation for reflection. Therefore, today we will discover 5 phrases by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel that, perhaps, are familiar to us.

Before we must not forget to mention that Hegel is considered as the representative of philosophical idealism. Among his most outstanding works are the Science of Logic , Phenomenology of the spirit , Lessons on the philosophy of the subjective spirit , Philosophy of law and the Encyclopedia of philosophical sciences . Now we are going to discover the phrases of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.

Old books

1. Only the brave make mistakes

We have probably read the first of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel’s sentences on several occasions; being wrong, unfortunately, is still frowned upon by today’s society. The fear of making a mistake, of screwing up, seems to be intolerable. However, this is when we learn the most.

The General Council of Psychology of Spain (COP) states that ” fear is not an immobile emotional state ” but is fed by the feared stimuli, anticipation, self – critical thoughts, the vicious cycle causing negative experiences, custom to ruminate on what happened … How to get out of these trends, which tend to give rise to circles that we go through again and again? Having the courage to make mistakes.

2. Calm always wins out

This second of Hegel’s phrases allows us to reflect on the importance of learning to better manage our emotions, especially those that are related to anger or rage. These urge us to act without thinking about the consequences, which increases the probability that we end up regretting it.

Without calm, as this philosopher indicates, it will be difficult to defeat the enemies, because we will lose control and, therefore, all possibility of victory. Meditating, practicing mindfulness or doing yoga are activities that can help us improve our emotional management. Although, also, of course, ask for professional help.

3. To go far, you need passion

In this third of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel’s phrases, passion is addressed. That enthusiasm that urges us to set goals that we want to achieve with great enthusiasm. Despite the criticisms, the “you’re wrong” or “that’s not going to get you anywhere”, passion is like an engine that urges us to continue, even if there are difficulties.

Is only passion necessary? No, discipline is also essential to carry out projects, ideas, undertake … But passion is the answer to the question that on more than one occasion may arise: why am I doing this?” . If there is enthusiasm for what is being done, we will have no problem answering this question.

4. The difficult decision to choose

This fourth of Hegel’s phrases invites us to a very special reflection on decision-making. We all know what is good and evil, so choosing between these two options is not difficult. Whether we choose one or the other, we know what can happen next. However, what if the decision is between good and good?

When we choose between good and good, here the terrible fear of being wrong reappears. As both options are feasible, the insecurity is greater. It is true that it is an important decision and this is when we have to be braver. Analyzing all the alternatives can help us make the right choice. But what if we are wrong? Absolutely nothing, as we will have learned.

Two ways

5. Wanting everything leaves us with nothing

This last of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel’s phrases talks about greed and the desire to want everything. If we always want it all, we are not really defining what our goal is. As a consequence, this will get us nowhere, since we don’t know what we want. Will we get something? The answer is no”.

Although, perhaps we should ask ourselves an essential question, “what do we want?” The answer will give us an idea of ​​where to go, what decisions to make, where to focus … Because wanting everything, sometimes, is synonymous with emptiness.

Did you know Hegel? Do you recognize some of these phrases? All of them invite you to look inside yourself a little to reflect on different aspects of yourself that perhaps should be polished. In the bibliography you can find the works mentioned so that you can take a look at them. Enjoy them!

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