Soulmates That We Coincide In Time, But With Tickets To Other Destinations

Soul mates who coincide in time, but with tickets to other destinations

As that song would say: “so many centuries, so many worlds, so much space… and to coincide” . There is no doubt, sometimes chance weaves wonderful opportunities that make us meet those kindred souls, those perfect beings that put light and a new path in our sight.

They are souls that coincide at the same moment and that come to share with us a brief fragment of unforgettable time, months or even years. However, in the end everything breaks down and collapses like a house of cards carried by the wind.

It was, in your opinion, the perfect couple, but due to various circumstances none of that could have been.  Each of you coincided on the same platform of life, but you carried tickets for different destinations.

Sometimes love is not enough to maintain a relationship, even though that soul is the reflection of yours. Sometimes there are irreconcilable distortions or high costs that are impossible to maintain.

The importance of risking and experimenting in life

A life without risk and without decision is a life not lived. You may know early on that certain experiences can be costly. You may be aware that leaving that comfort zone that is your home and that daily security will bring you the uncertainty of “not knowing” and the risk of committing not one but “several mistakes”.

Man and woman who are soul mates

Taking risks is losing our balance, but with each step we take, we also learn to get up  and walk more safely again. The same happens with our affective relationships, where no one has the perfect manual, nor comes to this world being a true guru of that love that is immune to suffering, hence it is worth taking these dimensions into account.

Is it true that there are “soul mates”?

It is very possible that when reading the title of this article you have thought that if soulmates really exist, they will never take different directions, because souls that are the same are predestined to always be together. Make no mistake, don’t jump into the void without a parachute.

Perfect loves do not exist, they work day by day, facing costs and investing time and effort. And even more, sometimes love is not the only answer to all problems, it is not the answer to all doubts or the bridge to all emotional voids.

Fate weaves wonderful encounters with soulmates, with people who seem “perfect” to us. However, sometimes that love has an expiration date almost from the beginning, it is a soul mate with whom to share a certain time, enjoying every minute, every second …

However, always remember that your soul mate must be yourself, you that self-love and take care of each day to continue maintaining balance with each step you take.

The importance of risking in love


Man and woman who are soul mates

Sometimes we know, there is something inside us that tells us that this relationship is not going to be maintained, that it is going to bring you suffering, that everything is going to be brief and maybe even painful. So are we making a mistake by taking risks? Not at all, it won’t be as long as you know very well where the limits are and remember to protect your self-esteem.

What happens next, no one can know, whether it is that love that lasts your whole life or if in the end that relationship is as brief as it is intense and causes you more suffering than happiness, it will all have been worth it. It is time lived, it is time learned, time in which you have vibrated, laughed and cried.

The sorrows that you have, will later be cured day by day, but without a doubt, it may be more painful to regret not having taken a risk than to remember a love that could not be. That is the book of life, and as such, we must write it every day.

There is no love without risk, who does not venture does not live, who does not make an effort does not see the reward. And even though that relationship with our “apparent” soul mate will not last, rest assured that this love will last in your memory for a lifetime.

Image courtesy Tomine

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