5 Benefits Of Maintaining A Positive Attitude Towards Illness

5 benefits of maintaining a positive attitude towards illness

Maintaining a positive attitude towards a disease can improve the prognosis in a remarkable way, attenuate the symptoms of our ailment and even serve us as vital learning. Thus, when an illness is serious, we can come to feel that the world is collapsing at our feet. The first reaction is, why me?

We may not have experience with that feeling, and when it does appear, it can be very difficult to manage. We may feel very vulnerable and weak to the news, asking ourselves questions we previously ignored and looking for hope in the most remote places. These emotional states can deplete our energy reserves, lower self-esteem, or impair our sleep.

The diagnosis of the disease and the emotional process

The truth is that behind every disease there is suffering, a condition that demands our good work to manage emotions. These are moments in which choosing an appropriate coping strategy can make the difference between cure, chronification or complication of the disease itself, in addition to significantly influencing the quality of life.

Overall, staying positive offers myriad physical, cognitive, emotional, and social benefits. Thus, a relaxed environment favors the prognosis of any disease.

Sad man

5 benefits of maintaining a positive attitude towards illness

Next, we are going to see some of the benefits of maintaining a positive attitude towards the disease. Maintaining an optimistic attitude is easy when the dynamics around us are too; However, things get complicated when luck turns against us and nothing seems to go our way.

Make us stronger

The problems for those who think positively and negatively, in number, are usually very similar. However, what does facilitate positive thinking is solving these problems, focusing the person on the process of finding solutions. An orientation that at the same time makes it stronger, more resistant in the face of difficulties.

Goal: keep a positive attitude

It is advisable to integrate tasks that help us maintain optimism into our routine . Writing a journal, creating a blog, filling our space with vitality by listening to music or getting in touch with people who have gone through a similar situation makes it easier for the palette of emotions to not be restricted to those of negative valence.

Accept the new situation

The acceptance of what generates a starting point for us. Only from it can we begin to put the means to improve. Otherwise, what is the use of being sent exercises or medication if we do not understand that there is a problem to intervene on?

On the other hand, acceptance has nothing to do with the catastrophizing that some practice. It is about accepting what exists, not anticipating negative events that do not necessarily have to occur.

Woman smiling hospital

Helps solve the vital process

Although it may seem like a contradiction, the presence of a disease is a great opportunity to separate what is important from what is not. Absorbed and deluded by a frenetic, often superficial rhythm, the disease can act as a sieve.

Life values ​​change

Values ​​are sustained and sustained by principles and priorities that help us make decisions. In this sense, traumatic events, personal crises or illnesses can lead us to an existential rethinking.

According to a study carried out by the University of Almería (Spain), in 2016, the objective was to collect the possible change in personal values ​​in the face of the diagnosis of a serious illness. The study found that 87% of the patients manifested a change in the priority of their values, giving greater importance to personal relationships, family, fun and well-being. Likewise, they showed higher rates of assertiveness, empathy and dedication.

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