55 Funny And Funny Sayings

Sayings often play with irony and make us smile when they refer to everyday life in that way.
55 funny and funny sayings

Sayings are little capsules of wisdom. They are often studied for their historical, geographic, social, and cultural significance. In a few words, they collect a popular social discourse, in many cases instructive. Today we partially move away from the latter by presenting you with the best funny and funny sayings.

The selection of short and funny sayings that we have collected distort the original sentence a bit. We also chose some with a mischievous, humorous or just plain funny tone. Our intention is that you end the list with a couple of laughs while you end up meditating on the background of his words. Prepared?

The best funny and funny sayings

The list of funny sayings in front of you does not focus on classic sayings. At most a couple of them twist the original phrase, always with the intention of having fun. Write them down on your mobile if you want to memorize them or share them with your friends:

1. “Don’t drink while driving, you could spill the drink.”

At least it’s one more reason not to drive after drinking, don’t you think?

2. “Not for much vigilance unloads earlier”.

In fact, legend has it that the more you do it, the slower the download will be.

3. “Don’t give up on your dream, keep sleeping.”

An easy way to fulfill them, without a doubt.

Sleeping woman

4. “God created the world. Everything else is made in China “

Wow, our selection of funny sayings got philosophical pretty soon.

5. “He who laughs last thinks slower.”

A saying to remember the next time you hear crickets after telling a joke.

6. “If your parents never had children, it is likely that you never will.”

Wait to?

7. “There are two words that will open many doors for you: push and pull”.

Surely you have a very smart friend who would love to know this saying.

8. “Always remember that you are unique, like everyone else.”

Nothing more than with another seven billion people, but yes; you are unique.

9. “Eyes that do not see, Facebook that tells you.”

And, if we are fair, Instagram and Twitter confirm it. Another perfect example that funny sayings can be made adapted to modern times.

10. “You are born free, then you pay taxes until you die.”

Nothing more to comment.

11. “If life gives you melons, you may be dyslexic.”

Dyslexics are blinds too.

12. “The best part of going to work is coming home at the end of the day.”

And on payday, of course.

13. “What matters is the interior. The refrigerator is the best example ”.

Let no more be said about it.

14. “The echo always has the last word.”

Words from Woody Allen, how could it be otherwise.

15. “By candlelight, there is no ugly woman.”

One of the oldest funny sayings. It has a couple of versions with couplets: “By candlelight, all rustic looks beautiful”, “by candlelight, there is no ugly woman”, “at night, by candlelight, the donkey looks like a maiden.”

16. “Prevention is better than formatting.”

No, that program that only has eight downloads in ten years is not safe.

17. “The exception to the rule lasts 9 months.”

It is worth keeping it in mind, just in case.

18. “Every minute an idiot is born.”

If you prefer the milder version: “Every minute a fool is born.”

19. “Nobody knows what he has until he tidies up his room.”

How much truth in a sentence.

20. “If the world turns its back on you, touch its butt.”

A funny way to see the glass half full.

21. “He who warns is not a traitor.”

Well, it could be other things though.

22. “It is better to give something than to lend something.”

That is if you want to avoid getting mad unnecessarily, at least.

23. “Of course there is a better world, but it is very expensive.”

Oh cruel reality.

24. “He who wakes up early finds everything closed.”

A perfect excuse to prolong your sleep for 5 more minutes.

25. “He who knows, knows; and the one who doesn’t, is the boss ”.

Another phrase that will give you a lot to think about. Unless you’re the boss, of course.

26. “Jealousy stings more than fleas.”

Not to mention when jealousy reaches pathological borders.

27. “If you drink to forget, pay before you start.”

A very old saying that fits perfectly into our selection.

28. “Laugh and the world will laugh with you. Snore and you will sleep alone ”.

Surely it has happened to you, do not pretend.

29. “The important thing is not to win, it is to make the other lose.”

Seen this way you will have less pressure, right?

30. “Not for getting up early, the bus passes before.”

If only I had known earlier …

31. “The occasion makes the thief.”

One of the few funny sayings on our list that we have left intact.

32. “The bad thing is not living in the clouds, but going down.”

Did you know that there is a word for these people ?: nefelibatas.

33. “Plant a tree and you will make a dog happy.”

It will wave its tail and lift its paw like never before.

34. “He who is free from sin does not know what is lost.”

With the permission of the original phrase.

35. “God gives bread to the one who has no teeth.”

More than funny, it’s a bit of a sad saying.

36. “In bad weather, use your umbrella.”

An advice that you should not reject. Although you should also know this: “I will give you advice, do not accept advice from anyone.”

37. “The best things in life undo your hair.”

For those who say that those who are always fuzzy are not happy.

38. “Do not leave until tomorrow what you can do next week.”

In the end, procrastinating isn’t so bad, is it?

39. “It begins by growing upwards and ends up growing towards the sides”.

With everyone’s regret, unfortunately.

40. “If you take care of the clever, surely a fool will deceive you.”

More than one reader will notice it.

41. “Nobody makes breakfast for those who get up early.”

Yet another reason not to get up early.

42. “A day without sun is, you know, night.”

One of the best motivational sayings ever written.

43. “I will not forget as long as I remember.”

Thanks for the observation, I will remember it.

44. “Longer than a day without bread.”

A saying that also has a close cousin: “slower than the bad guy’s horse.”

45. “I used to think I’m indecisive, but now I’m not sure.”

Insert thoughtful face emoticon here.

Woman with doubts

46. ​​”If you can’t convince them, confuse them.”

The infallible technique of the sophists.

47. “To whom God did not give children, the devil gives nephews.”

Not everyone is laughing at this saying.

48. “The work is so bad that they even pay you to do it.”

It is no longer the list of best funny and funny sayings, it is a kind of existentialist philosophy.

49. “To make one rich, many poor people are needed.”

And so, friends, is how the Communist Manifesto begins .

50. “To what is done, photo.”

Because you didn’t go to a place if you don’t have a way to prove it with a photo, right?

51. “I have to go to the eye doctor, but I never see the moment.”

And he certainly doesn’t see the danger coming from it either.

52. “By resting no one ever died.”

Well, let’s rest then.

53. “If heads, I win; if it comes up tails, you lose ”.

Deal done, sir.

54. “Weather forecast for tonight: it will be dark.”

At least one weather forecast that is 100% accurate.

55. “Time without you is me.”

More than a saying it seems like a play on words, but it is valid to close our list.

Thus we finalize our selection of best funny and funny sayings. We hope you had a good time playing these word games. Despite their apparent irony, you can also use them as starting elements for reflection.

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