The Value Of Coexistence: The Social Harmony That The World Needs

Knowing how to live is that essential component that should come from the factory in our mind and heart. Only in this way would we shape more empathetic social scenarios, prepared in turn to be able to reach agreements, solve problems and move forward as a group.
The value of coexistence: the social harmony that the world needs

Coexistence is that pillar on which any aspect of our life should be based. As social figures that we are, there is no more essential priority than to achieve that peaceful, effective and harmonious coexistence in which to guarantee not only our survival as a group, but also our well-being and the ability to progress.

The psychiatrist Enrique Rojas points out that coexistence is basically knowing how to share, being a participant in the existence of others and achieving, in turn, that the other becomes involved in ours. As we well know, this is almost never easy to achieve in all cases. If, at times, it is already difficult to achieve it in the family unit, we can understand the challenge of achieving this goal globally and between countries.

It takes more than commitments, than good words and agreements signed at international summits in favor of peace. What is needed in terms of coexistence are wills and there, in that aspect, we are all important. Because great revolutions are not achieved by mobilizing mountains, but by moving the stones that make them up.

The real changes are silent, small but daily and that is where each of us can get involved.

Girl with flowers in hands representing the representing the value of coexistence

The pillars that sustain coexistence

Lawrence Kohlberg pointed out in his theory of moral development that the most decisive stage of the child came from the age of 10 with what is known as the autonomous stage. That is the moment when we realize that beyond the imposed norms of a society, there are human needs. Only then do we become aware of the value of individual actions, altruism, compassion …

Coexistence is not only based on the need to respect each other and to live in peace. In fact, it goes far beyond these dimensions. It is essential, in turn, to add some activism and a real and committed performance that is seen in almost any setting of our day to day. Not only the great nations must know how to coexist among themselves reducing conflicts and differences.

The value of knowing how to live together backbones every area of ​​our existence. It is essential to be happy as a couple, to start a family and raise children. Coexistence must be evident in any neighbor’s farm, work office, as well as in any threshold that we cross where there are people.

Coexistence is the responsibility of knowing and understanding the other, seeing ourselves, in turn, reflected in others. In this social dynamic there are large doses of empathy, feelings and tolerance.

Let’s see what other components make it up.

Non-violence in any of its forms

Every May 16 the day of coexistence in peace is celebrated. It is an ideal time to reflect on how each of us contributes to that goal.

One dimension that we should address above all else is non-violence. Thus, we should understand that violence as such does not refer only to physical aggression, which is much more visible and evident to everyone.

  • Knowing how to speak to each other with respect without using aggressive communication is an example.
  • Being able to understand without discriminating, to accept differences without attacking, criticizing or making them invisible are other aspects that we should take care of.
  • The art of non-violence that Gandhi spoke about is the only way to promote coexistence between people and peoples.
United hands of many people representing the representing the value of coexistence

Compassion and solidarity

Coexistence will never be possible if we fail to appreciate the other, that person who, like me, has their points of view, their origins, their values ​​and needs. We are all different and equal at the same time, we are all worthy of appreciation, respect and the opportunity to build the life we ​​want.

Something like this undoubtedly demands greater compassion and solidarity between us.

Coexistence and the value of moving forward together for the same purposes

To coexist in a changing scenario, full of uncertainties and threats, human beings have had to act in groups throughout our history. This is how we survive as a species and how we will have to do so in times of difficulty.

To achieve this lofty end, it is essential to put aside differences, selfishness, and personal interests.

Caring for our planet, the home that welcomes us

It would be almost impossible to speak of the value of coexistence if we did not take into account the context, the home that welcomes us and that makes it possible for each of us to be here. We all understand the relevance of addressing aspects such as peace, social equality, non-discrimination, non-violence in any of its forms …

Well, a capital aspect that is impossible to ignore at this time is the need to tend, care for and protect our mother earth and its ecosystems. If life is balance and balance is brought about by the harmony of knowing how to live with each other, it is also urgent that we attend to the home that has hosted both us and the next generations.

Let us reflect on each of these aspects, understanding, above all, that coexistence begins at home, in the settings closest to us. We are all important in that social, emotional and existential gear.

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