Love Is Never Wasted, Even If It Is Not Returned As You Deserve Or Wish

Love is never wasted, even if it is not returned as you deserve or wish

Love is never lost or forgotten, it stays stored in our hearts. And he does it even if we don’t think about him, even if we cover our eyes or even if that love no longer has a relevant place in our life and in our memory.

In this sense, love never ceases to be and to have meaning. However, sometimes giving love and not being reciprocated in the way we need can be very frustrating and heartbreaking.

The meaning of love

Children offering love

It is undeniable that giving a lot and receiving a little is also tiring. The trick is not expecting anything from anyone except yourself. What has to arrive, will arrive, but not as an identical and immediate payment for our actions.

This collides violently with the conception that we have of love as a necessity the total and absolute surrender towards the other. It is difficult for us to understand it, but it is necessary that we leave behind and discard the idea of ​​the love of Disney movies of “I do everything for you and if you leave my side nothing makes sense”

However, there are relationships that are doomed to failure due to the total absence of reciprocity and gratitude. This is natural, because the only way to keep love awake is to water it every day.

However, it is necessary that we do self-criticism and analyze whether what we expect from our partner is what we would do or do. If this is so, we are destroying our relationship and hurting ourselves for free. Each person is who he is and gives love in a different way.

In any case, a break with emotional dependence means the opportunity to work on eliminating our needs and cultivating our interior. Broken hearts mend themselves and come to generate precious love stories of people they love without having the need to expect anything in return. 

Love is not lost, it is transformed

Couple on a heart showing love

Although it is not about just any love, but about love for oneself, who knows how to see and see others with respect and affection. So if you want love, give it. Because giving it is the best way to receive it, and not necessarily from others, but from yourself.

The fact of giving the green light to our own feelings has a great importance, since it makes us feel good, capable of loving and being loved. What is sown, is reaped in abundance.

In other words, opening our hearts and giving free rein to our feelings prevents us from turning into stones. It is well known that stones neither feel nor suffer and that they do not care about hot or cold. We are not stones, we are hearts that walk, feel and think.

It is obvious that we do not want to live locked up, so it is not very smart to be our own jailers and catch the feelings that arise naturally.

swans making a heart with love

Self love is a trophy that is always within our grasp

Loving yourself is the best way to offer and to have a lot to give to others. In principle, if you have a partner, you will enjoy your relationship much more preferring it than needing it.

This is complicated and at first it can generate conflicts, since we conceive a love and couple relationship with a relationship of emotional dependence. However, getting rid of those preconceptions and creating new rethinking will help rekindle or cultivate love, both your own and that of others.

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