Tell Me What Food You Fancy And I’ll Tell You What Your Emotions Are Like

Tell me what food you fancy and I'll tell you what your emotions are like

Humans express many of our emotions through our relationship with food. In this case, it is about repressed emotions, that is, those of which we are not fully aware. The ones we do not accept. And since all repression is unsuccessful, those emotions return and are often expressed through the way we eat or what we eat.

In humans, food is much more than a biological issue. From the symbolic point of view, it has a relationship with the mother and with everything maternal. Talk about our way of loving and being loved. From our intimate way of relating to life. He who does not eat, in one way or another, expresses a certain desire not to continue with his life. He who eats too much shows a certain need to survive in the face of a real or imagined threat.

But also what we eat speaks about what we feel. In theory, we should like any food in good condition, as it fulfills the function of nourishing us. However, without knowing why, we crave some foods much more than others. Dr. Deanna Minich undertook the task of deciphering the hidden emotions behind “the cravings” during her experience as a nutritionist physician. And this is what he discovered.

Spicy food and sadness

The word “spicy” not only applies to food that has that taste, but also to situations or people that generate enthusiasm or grace. To ” spice up” something is to add a dose of interest to it. It is not gratuitous that the word is used in this way.

According to Dr. Minich, spicy is very appealing to those who are sad. Some consume it to tears. They want excitement, intensity, and action in their lives. However, they do not recognize it or are afraid to do something new. They make up for that frustrated craving by eating spicy.

Sweet Bakes and Burdening Routines

Within this type of food cakes, biscuits, sweets with flour, pies, etc they are located. It is one of the most frequent cravings and also one of the biggest culprits of being overweight in the world. There are people obsessed with these baked goodies. Why?

Apparently, those who feel these types of cravings are people who are living within a routine that has them fatigued. They feel that there is little joy in their lives.

Fans of salty food

Food has a suitable salt point. It is not as “to taste” as it is supposed to be. The correct point of salt enhances the flavor of a meal, but does not invade it. However, there are those who need to add a touch of salt to everything so that their palates appreciate this flavor in the same way. They reject the sweet and adore anything that has too much salt in it, up to a clear point.

According to the study we are referring to, these types of people have great turmoil within them. In fact, they may be distressed or anxious. Salt activates the movement of water in the body and that is the unconscious way of expressing its inner restlessness.

Crispy foods

If you look at them in detail, lovers of crunchy foods love not the taste, but especially the “crunch” of those foods. They make no effort to disguise that characteristic creaking sound. On the contrary, they seem pleased to emphasize it.

In this case, what there may be is repressed anger. Chewing these foods and enjoying their texture and sound is a way of “grunting” or expressing anger. It is also a way to attract attention when someone feels unfairly ignored.

Mild and squishy starches

There are foods that appeal to some because of the sensation of “softness” in the mouth. Food such as rice, pasta or puffed or puffed salt baked goods, give a feeling of softness when eaten.



Apparently, those who have these types of cravings want to be comforted, protected and loved. The fluffy texture of these foods offers a physiological sensation similar to that of being hugged by, worth the redundancy, some “chubby” and loving arms. It is usual for someone to prefer this type of food if they have a difficult time.

This relationship of food to unconscious emotions is more than anecdotal. It does not provide complete information about that part of us that we do not fully know, but it does offer interesting clues that are worth following. We all carry repressed emotions … and we all succumb to cravings, or at least we have them.

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