Don’t Let Your Wounds Turn You Into Someone You Are Not

Don't let your wounds turn you into someone you are not


Although we often review our past and apply its teachings, we often lose our emotional identity as a result of those wounds that remain open.

This causes the wound to become encyst and increasingly infected, impairing our ability to be ourselves and to validate our emotions.

It is likely that we are very used to living with latent pain that we do not want to attend to and that our brain has even disconnected its ability to feel to avoid suffering. However, deep down we know that this is what is preventing us from walking and that does not allow us to enjoy what we have or tie the present tightly.

The truth is that although they say that the past is an old friend that we must greet from afar and with our heads, we must attend to it and heal it to avoid “accommodating ourselves” to live in it.


Cleanse our past and disinfect our wounds

The million dollar question is: what are the wounds of our soul infected with? With sacrifice, with anger, with fear of abandonment, with spite, with disability, with loneliness, with betrayal, with lack of support, with misunderstanding, with sadness, with deceptions, with yearnings and guilt.

In fact, it is common for us to find ourselves in the same wound to a large part of this list. But what can we do to heal ourselves permanently?

  • Dig inside yourself and locate your wounds. Where it hurts? Does it bother you to talk about something or someone? Does it make you feel sad or angry? Since when? Why do you think it can be?
  • Talk about all this. It may not be easy, because our wounds, in addition to hurting, limit us. Do not care how long you have been shut up, empty yourself with someone you trust. Bringing out what we carry inside is a magnificent repairing balm.
  • Drain your wounds and let them sting, it means healing. The wounds of our emotional past ooze feelings, emotions and thoughts that hurt us. For this reason, we have to stop perpetuating their stay within us, since they live at our expense and inflame the damaged areas to unsuspected limits.


If it doesn’t bring joy to your life … RELEASE

If it does not illuminate or build you … RELEASE

If it remains, but does not grow … RELEASE

If it gives you security and thus avoids the effort of developing yourself … RELEASE

If you don’t recognize your talents … RELEASE

If he does not caress your being … RELEASE

If it doesn’t boost your takeoff … RELEASE

If it says, but does not … RELEASE

If there is no place in his life for you … RELEASE

If he tries to change you … RELEASE

If the ‘I’ prevails … RELEASE

If there are more disagreements than encounters … RELEASE

If it just doesn’t add to your life … RELEASE

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