Character Keeps Us Safe From The Beasts

Character keeps us safe from the beasts

Our character allows us to be safe. Avoid being manipulated by other people, treating us as if we were fools, taking advantage of us. However, the character sometimes has to be forged, because due to certain experiences it may have lost strength.

Enjoying good self-esteem, gaining assertiveness and social skills, will allow us to get that character that will help us. Because having character does not mean not being nice or that others are not going to approach you because you seem “edge”. Nothing of that…

The story of an oriental monk

Once an oriental monk saw how a scorpion was drowning. So he decided to take it out of the water, but when he did, the scorpion stung him. Faced with the pain he felt, the monk let go, letting the scorpion fall and, again, the animal began to sink … Then, he tried to remove it and again it bit him.

Eastern monk

The scene was repeated several times: taking him out of the water, being stung, letting go and trying again to get him out of the water. Someone who had stopped to observe what the monk was doing said:

“Why is he so stubborn!” Don’t you understand that every time you take the scorpion out of the water it is going to bite you?

Then the eastern monk replied:

The nature of the scorpion is to sting … This will not change my nature, which is to help.

To have a consolidated character, we must overcome fears, because fear does not allow us to take risks and the authentic way of living is by taking risks at every moment and every time we make our own decisions.

As the history of the Eastern monk teaches us, our values ​​have to go ahead of any fear. Even ahead of what others recommend us. To do this, we must move away from seeking external approval, so that it does not interfere with what we really want to do.

Have you ever caught yourself behaving like this oriental monk? 

Strong-willed people

A person has a firm character when in his life he remains faithful to some personal principles, when he is sure of his convictions, and especially when he is able to control himself and control his impulses.

A person with character also has fears, the difference lies in the way he deals with them. He does not walk away or become paralyzed, he assumes risky situations with boldness and firmness, trying to solve them properly without collapsing in the face of adversity.

Man with strong character

Keeping our character strong allows us to accept things as they are, not as one wants them to be. It helps us get away from weak people who never compromise, and whose ego negotiates with everything around them because everything has a price or value.

When we have a strong character, toxic people no longer have a place in our lives. We know how to get away from them and, if there is no other option than to have them by our side, we know how to set limits so that their toxicity does not affect us.

It is very important that we always keep in mind the story of the Eastern monk. The teaching it gives us sheds a lot of light on how strong we have to be to remain ourselves. Well, what others recommend to us sometimes causes our character to collapse. You have to be very strong and tenacious so that this doesn’t happen.

What has been your experience? Have you weakened your character by allowing yourself to be overcome by fear or by what others recommended you to do? We encourage you to reflect on your principles and values, on who you are, and always be true to yourself.

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