The Impact Of Horror Movies

The impact of horror movies

The films are the perfect way to get away from real life. But, beyond being a form of entertainment, films affect us physically and psychologically, without our being able to detect it. This is because they are capable of transmitting ideas and emotions that modify our mood. And they can neutralize the repression of certain feelings. And, with this, they can trigger emotional release.

Physical effects of horror movies

Funny movies help to momentarily forget problems and contribute to enhancing the sense of personal well-being. Laughing has been shown to help manage pain and decrease psychological discomfort.

Instead, people who are fascinated by horror movies often experience other types of physiological changes. For example, increased  heart rate, increased levels of adrenaline and cortisol. 

Psychological effects of horror movies

Watching horror movies produces fear, anxiety, insomnia, phobias and mental trauma, but the positive effect of frequent viewing of these types of movies also helps desensitize people who suffer from anxiety and fear.

Paul J. Patterson, professor at San José State University (USA), affirms that the horror genre addresses our archetypal fears. You can see throughout history how each generation has defined terror in its own way and becomes largely the idea that it is something beyond our understanding that threatens us .

According to Joel Cohen, from the University of Florida, the preference for horror movies would also be related to avoiding boredom and enjoying exciting experiences. Cohen comments that “in the real world, people can experience both happiness and sadness as well as euphoria and anxiety at the same time. People enjoy emotions even if they come from a negative source; otherwise things could get pretty boring .


It is an immediate psychological effect of watching horror movies, which can persist for a few days, even months, after watching the movie. The thoughts and situations of the characters can haunt our heads from several nights to long periods of time, which can cause insomnia and nightmares.


The person may feel afraid of the dark, of loneliness …, They may have the need to cry, to scream … To suffer tremors, nausea, dizziness, even fear of losing control and dying. In each person it is different.


The observation of certain situations in the horror movie can cause some viewer to develop a fear of a stimulus. If it continues in time, it can become a phobia, either of animals (mammals, insects, reptiles, …) of possible natural disasters, blood, heights or closed spaces.

Mental trauma

Some of the images are disturbing, resulting in relapses and anxiety or depressive symptoms. Especially in people who undergo the same sufferings as the characters in the film, but in real life.

Raising awareness of violence

Watching a horror movie can make a person sensitive to violence. That is to say, that you become aware of what this word means and implies and, consequently, act more peacefully. By doing this, you can decrease your aggressive behavior and make yourself less startled.

Consequently, these films could become an effective tool for treating fears and phobias. What is your opinion?

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