Slaves By Day, Tyrants By Night

Slaves by day, tyrants by night

Many of us are slaves by day, tyrants by night. Those of us who ask for understanding for our conditions, but also those of us who move to this same system so that those same conditions are reproduced. There is food low cost , the flights low cost and now have begun to reproduce the cities dispatchers low cost . Those that perhaps represent the maximum degradation of that motto that says that he who wants to work in the end ends up working .

We are the doctors who use the same health system that lacks resources, who buy those brands that manufacture garments in countries with even more precarious working conditions than ours. As a society, in the end we are the ones who turn that same wheel in which we spend with the anesthesia of consumption our most valuable resource, time. An anesthesia at the same time necessary, because otherwise we would poison ourselves with our own dissonance, with that difference between what we want to be and our way of acting.

Survival, an illusion

Time to support a family that we do not see, to pay for a trip that we enjoy, to buy a camera with which we do not take photos. Time that slips through our fingers like drops of ice water. Drops that little by little erode our bones and form wrinkles.

We are day slaves because we work under more than precarious conditions for money that allows survival and the odd dream that rarely materializes. We are tyrants because we feed the same system, because we call that place to ask for food, even though we know that it does not offer good conditions to the workers. Because it is cheaper, because it is faster, because it gives us the feeling that we have more free time. The same illusion that makes us slaves by day, tyrants by night.

We accept commissions for a very low fee. We are aware that if we don’t do it, someone else will, even for less. Because there is always someone more in need than us. It is this indolence that allows present survival and at the same time that ends with our heartbeats, which are lost between hours and hours behind a counter, looking at a screen or driving a truck …, seeing how car after car we are advanced.

Sad woman on the floor

A personal revolution in the face of the black hole posed by current inertia

Hence, a revolution is necessary. Small or large, but a revolution that begins with us … ceasing to be slaves by day, tyrants by night. Denouncing the precarious working conditions, giving up the temptation to buy cheaper, knowing that the price difference is paid by the last in the chain.

Let’s put aside that illusion that eight hours working equals three or four in which everything goes fast. Fast food, fast exercise, fast sleep… Why more speed in a world that is already fast enough? Why less exercise, have everything brought home to us, in a world that is getting fatter by leaps and bounds? Why so much technology if in the end we work more hours? Why so many offers if not even with the whole car full we feel that feeling of breath that gives a ray of sunshine after a fortnight of rain?

Everything fast, everything fast , is still an illusion created by the system itself to give us the image that we have enough free time and sufficient resources. However, is this really the case? Even to those who think they have a decent salary, when they put aside these low or these fast , does it still seem so worthy?

We work long hours, but do we really, in general, earn the equivalent in real time and not in fast time ? The fast, without any transcendental weight, goes when a small current blows; then we come face to face with vertigo, with ourselves, naked, without clothes that prevent contact with the air. We look at ourselves in the mirror and feel strange. We are, but at the same time we are absent. Away from our body, from the people we love, who are in the living room, looking at the screen, talking about a queen who does not allow photos or a few who want to separate themselves from a few others …

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