No One Can Put Themselves In Your Shoes

No one can put themselves in your shoes

Why is it so hard for people to understand us? Why can’t they understand our mood swings? For one simple reason: no one can step into your shoes.

But, make no mistake. This also happens to you. The experiences, what a person really lives and suffers, only knows himself. Although you can understand her, you will never get to the point of living the same as her, of feeling it in your own flesh, of putting yourself in her shoes.

 Overcoming pain helps us grow

man walking in the wind

On many occasions we have wanted to ease or heal the pain that another person has been suffering. And how good it would be if they could do it to us too! That someone could come and free us from that pain that is making us completely unhappy.

Unfortunately, this is something that also makes us live things for ourselves, that we experience them in our flesh in order to continue being completely different people, completely full of experiences.

Each of us must suffer when it is necessary to do so. It sounds hard to say, but we go through many negative experiences that will make us cry, that will depress us, that will make us really suffer.

Going through them, overcoming all this pain, will allow us to grow and move forward. Pain is not negative, it is one more feeling, since we are beings full of emotions and feelings.

Pain is unique

It is clear that people can try to understand what is happening to you, why you are suffering. But, what you can understand will only be a very small part. Really, the bulk of all this, you are living and experiencing it yourself.

You must experience that pain, you must suffer it and be able to express it in order to heal. As Bernardo Stamateas says “pain must be exhausted”. If you have to cry until you have no more tears, do it. If it has to hurt until you reach your limit, then it hurts. Of course, these shoes are yours and no one can put them on. Keep this in mind: no one will be able to put themselves in your shoes.

Sometimes we try to hide that we are going through a bad time, perhaps in an attempt not to attract attention or not to want to give it the importance it has. But you know what? Sooner or later, this all comes out.

You will explode even if you don’t want it, no matter how much you repress, you will end up venting. Maybe not in the way you’d like, but that was your fault. You must remove that pain, you must allow your wound to heal well.

If you don’t express what you feel, if you don’t talk to someone you trust and vent, you can’t expect others to put themselves in your shoes, although putting yourself in your shoes is something that only you can do. No one will be aware of what is happening to you if you don’t tell it, if you don’t express it. You can get an idea, but it may not be the right one.

Although, as we have already mentioned, no one can ever put themselves in your shoes, the truth is that they can be borrowed, but not to live the same as you, but to have an approach with what you are living.

It is clear that it will not be the same, but it will allow others to understand you and provide you with the necessary support that you require. Surely there are many shoulders willing to be wet by your tears, surely there are many outstretched hands so that when you fall you can get back up.

Understanding pain helps

No one will ever be able to put themselves in your shoes, but they will be able to understand you, assess the situation you are going through. Although, of course, it is your path and your pain. Only you will suffer it, only you will overcome it.

Speak up, express your pain, share it … but don’t look for instant relief, because everything has its own time. Look for a little light on this path that now turns dark, look for them to understand the shoes that no one can put on to live what you are living.

All this will allow you to heal your pain as soon as possible. It’s better than ignoring it, it’s better than pretending that time will heal it, it’s better than wanting people to step into your shoes without really knowing what you’re going through.

woman with pink sweater on her bicycle


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