What Does NEAE Mean?

There are students who have difficulties that require specific attention to acquire certain personal and material resources.
What does NEAE mean?

NEAE is the acronym for  Specific Needs of Educational Support and encompasses students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) derived from disabilities or serious conduct disorders, students with high intellectual abilities, students with late incorporation into the Spanish Educational System, students with specific learning difficulties or students with personal conditions or complex school history.

The concept of special educational needs has not always meant the same. It was born in the late 1970s, in 1978, after the publication of the Warnock Report.

His great contribution was to focus the problem in the context and not in the student, trying to put aside the concept of deficit so present in education.

Counselor talking to a student

Psychopedagogical evaluation in the NEAE context

Psychopedagogical evaluation, both in students with Specific Support Needs and in those outside this group, is a very important part of educational intervention and improvement of the quality of education. It is the first step in detecting differences and, therefore, for inclusion measures to be successful.

This evaluation will be understood as a participatory and contextualized process, based on individuality and in collaboration with families. Leaving the clinical approach behind and focusing on stopping needs to offer helpful and accurate guidance.

Students with Special Educational Needs (SEN)

Students who require, for a period of their schooling or throughout it, a specific attention, derived from different degrees and types of personal capacities of a physical, mental, cognitive or sensory order.

This student body has a disability and requires from the Psychopedagogical Report a Schooling Report issued by the EOE (Educational Guidance Team) of the area.

The specific care they receive may involve the provision of specific personal and material resources. If a student with a different degree and type of personal physical, mental, cognitive or sensory capacity does not require specific attention, he or she will not be considered as a student with SEN and therefore will not be subject to an opinion on schooling.

Students with Learning Disabilities (DIA)

These students present a curricular gap and require measures of attention to diversity. It demands certain specific educational supports and attentions due to disorders in the basic cognitive processes involved in the learning processes.

Within this group are students who present specific learning difficulties (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysorthography or dyscalculia), difficulties due to language delays and difficulties due to limited intellectual capacity. It requires, for a period of schooling or throughout it, an educational attention different from the ordinary one.

Students with High Intellectual Abilities (AACCII)

It is the student body who manages and relates multiple cognitive resources of a logical, numerical, spatial, memory, verbal and creative type, or stands out especially and exceptionally in the management of one or more of them. Due to their high intellectual level, they need special education and three groups are considered: intellectual giftedness, complex talent and simple talent.

  • Intellectual giftedness refers to a high level (above the 75th percentile) of resources in cognitive abilities and intellectual abilities, such as logical reasoning, perceptual management, memory management, verbal reasoning, mathematical reasoning and spatial aptitude, accompanied by high creativity.
  • Talent is the combination of several skills with a percentile above 80 in at least three cognitive abilities.
  • Simple talent is considered to be highly proficient in a specific field (above the 95th percentile).

Students who require compensatory actions (COM)

These students may present a significant curricular gap that is not explained by the existence of special educational needs or learning difficulties, but may be related to their personal, family and / or social history.

Some reasons may be due to irregular schooling due to periods of hospitalization or home care, due to belonging to families employed in seasonal jobs or who carry out itinerant professions, due to compliance with judicial decisions that affect regular attendance at the educational center, due to absenteeism school at origin or destination, and by late incorporation into the educational system

These students require educational attention different from the ordinary one and actions of a compensatory nature for the development and / or achievement of key competences, as well as for social inclusion.

Action with these students, in a disadvantaged social situation, requires compensatory actions, taking into account diversity and developing the capacities established in the general objectives of the educational stages.

Specific measures of attention to diversity

They are all those measures and actions aimed at responding to the educational needs of students with NEAE, who have not obtained an effective response through general measures.

Specific measures of attention to diversity are considered the different proposals and modifications in the organizational and curricular elements of personalized treatment so that students with NEAE can reach the maximum development of their capacities.

The educational response to attend to the diversity of the students is made up of measures, general and specific, and resources that can also be general and specific. The combination of these measures and resources will give rise to different types of educational attention, distinguishing between ordinary educational attention and educational attention different from ordinary.

Teacher with student

NEAE: towards inclusive education: 

An inclusive education system must guarantee equity in access, put its efforts in the permanence and success of the students.

For this, it is necessary to have a system of prevention, detection and identification of educational needs, placing the system in a position to adopt the educational response that each case requires.

The educational response to meet the needs of the NEAE collective includes all those actions that take into account that each of the students is likely to have educational needs, specific or not, special or not, and require measures and resources that make them possible to access and remain in the educational system with equal opportunities.

In this way, the maximum possible development of their personal capacities is favored and guaranteeing the right to education that corresponds to them.

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