What You Have To Change To Be Happy Is Nothing!

Sometimes we think that a job or a partner will provide us with the happiness that we cannot find. But fullness is a state that is created from within.
What you have to change to be happy is nothing!

Every human being, without exception, longs to find happiness. Each of us carry out our particular search, we undertake the race that will lead us to the objectives that we have defined as the culmination of our existence. For some, being happy means finding and applying important spiritual values, for others it means achieving certain financial achievements, and for many it means enjoying a relationship with a partner.

However, it often happens that when we achieve any of these goals that seemed essential to us, along the way we have created new ones that today are just as indispensable. Does this mean that happiness is a utopia, a state we will never get to?

Happy moments, happy lives

If we reflect for a moment, we may be able to understand that the only thing that separates us from this idyllic state of well-being is our perspective. Happiness is not a destination, but a path. Or rather, a way of walking. Fullness and calm consist of a collection of moments that, at the end of the day, make us feel satisfied.

Maybe we don’t need to have what we want, but rather want what we have. Nothing in your life needs to change, it is you who needs to change focus. And this begins by modifying certain daily practices that prevent us from enjoying and valuing these small “units of happiness”. 

Happy senior woman with open arms

For example, carrying the pain, loss and frustrations of the past. Staying to live in a harmful memory that is no longer our reality. Rejoice in the suffering that it generated us at the time, sustaining it and feeding it every day. Identify ourselves excessively with what someone who we are no longer lived through.

We must allow ourselves to understand that every day we have the power and the opportunity to reinvent ourselves. That who you were yesterday no longer defines you today. That if a memory damages you, there is no point in perpetuating it.

On the other hand, there are those who have grown up learning to see the dark side of their own reality. People who live installed in the complaint, in the lament, who feel victims of their circumstances. Individuals who find it extremely easy to detect everything that is not working, everything that they do not like, everything that is going wrong.

It is necessary to remember that our present is neither more nor less than the reflection of our own decisions. Only then can we accept and, from acceptance, work to modify what we do not like. Only by accepting can we let go of anger, confusion and negativity.

Thankful woman with closed eyes

Let us be grateful

If I could only offer you one piece of advice to achieve happiness, it would undoubtedly be: practice gratitude. Develop your ability to perceive and appreciate from the heart everything that does work in your life, everything that you do have. Cultivate this quality and adopt it as a habit. You will be surprised to see how the landscape changes completely when you begin to give thanks.

Stop, for a moment, focusing on what is not to your liking and delight in the simple but wonderful moments that you live every day. Be grateful for everything: your life, your health, the roof you live under, the plate of food on your table, the presence of your loved ones, the beauty of nature … When you focus on all the beauty that surrounds you , the well-being invades you without further effort. Remember that complaint brings poverty and gratitude abundance.

Being happy is a decision

I invite you, then, to verify that to be happy you do not need to change your life. True wholeness comes from within, from being at peace with yourself and the world around you. It arises from abandoning the feeling of helplessness and recognizing that it is in your hands to feel good. That it is your thinking habits that generate your emotion.

Get used to enjoying your life today, to being grateful for what surrounds you today. Make a firm and deliberate decision every morning to be happy. Because you deserve it, because it is your right, because there is nothing to change. Neither a job nor a partner nor anything external will provide you with the fulfillment that you are not capable of creating within yourself. If you are not happy with everything you have, with everything you lack, you will not be either.

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