Are You Very Concerned About The Opinion Of Others?

When you attach excessive importance to the opinion of others, you lose control over your mood, your decisions and your life.
Are you very concerned about the opinion of others?

Human beings live in society and, to a certain extent, it is inevitable to want to please and be accepted. In addition, at times, the road becomes complicated and we feel that we need to listen to an alien perspective to guide us. However, giving more importance to the opinion of others than to your genuine desires, will sooner or later lead to unhappiness.

It is logical and healthy that we take into account the opinion of our family members, or that we listen to the advice of our closest friends. But we have to be careful, because its influence should never lead us to be unfaithful to ourselves. It is important that we learn to ask ourselves, to listen to our wishes and to put them into practice.

How much do you care about the opinion of others?

It is not always easy to become aware that we are letting ourselves be carried away by what other people tell us. We all want to see ourselves with confident and independent people. And this leads us, at times, to deny our weaknesses. However, there are certain behaviors that can alert us that we are giving too much importance to the opinion of others.

Man talking to his coworker

You are very accommodating

Helping others is a commendable quality. It is in giving and receiving, sharing and accompanying that human bonds are forged. However, when you go out of your way to please others and it is not a reciprocal act, it is harmful. It is not healthy to always be aware of the needs of others, always available to satisfy them.

When this happens, it is a sign that you are not acting from love or generosity. It is acting from the desire to be approved. You give to be loved, to be accepted. You feel the need to fall in favor with all people and, for this, you do not hesitate to accept everything they ask of you.

But you have to understand that it is essential to learn to say “no”. Whoever appreciates you will do it for who you are, not for the submission you show them. You don’t need to please everyone to be accepted, you have the right to refuse and put yourself first.

You constantly brag

It’s great to rejoice in your success and share it with your loved ones. However, if you take any opportunity to expose your triumphs and achievements, you are exposing a latent insecurity. When you need to highlight your worth in a forced way, when you have to place yourself above others to feel adequate, it is because internally you are not comfortable with yourself.

By bragging you show that you need external approval, because you don’t have your own. And besides, doing so will probably impress others, but not one in a positive way.

Woman talking to another about the opinion of others

Your mood depends on others

An unequivocal sign that you give too much importance to the opinion of others is when your mood depends entirely on how others treat you. You feel happy and energetic when others praise you and address you lovingly. And, on the contrary, you sink or get exaggeratedly angry when someone criticizes you.

You can hear the opinion of others, but it should never have such a high impact on your emotions. If this happens, you are letting your internal state depend on other people over whom you have no control.

Your decisions are not yours

Lastly, the way we make decisions says a lot about our need for approval. If you feel insecure and unable to decide for yourself, if you excessively require advice and perspectives from others, you need to work on your self-esteem.

Finally, life is yours. It is you who is going to live it and bear the consequences. Therefore, do not decide based on what others expect or want for you. Do not direct your course with the intention of pleasing others. Listen to yourself and love yourself enough to make your own decisions and seek your happiness.

The opinion of others is secondary

If you feel identified with the previous points, you may be letting others influence your life excessively. Work on your security and your self-esteem, feel valuable for yourself and you will stop needing others to consider you as such. Start making decisions without thinking about what others will say and you will experience infinite freedom.

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