Cultivating Loneliness Improves Our Relationships

Cultivating loneliness improves our relationships

We spend the day surrounded by people, either physically or virtually. At work, at home, in leisure activities … The truth is that it is rare that we do activities alone, whether it is going to the movies, having a coffee or going for a walk. And, when we’re alone, we quickly pull out our cell phones to check out the latest news or updates from acquaintances.

The company is necessary and relationships are what gives meaning to life, but the problem comes when we spend so much time together that we are no longer capable of being alone with ourselves. We get bored, we get uncomfortable, we get nervous … and we have to turn to the company.

Loneliness, in its proper measure, fulfills very beneficial functions for people. Not only is a certain degree of solitude necessary to perform some activities, but it can even improve our social relationships, since it gives us mental space to disconnect from others and connect with ourselves.

Knowing oneself is the basis for knowing who we are, improving our weaknesses and, therefore, giving the best of ourselves to others. Sometimes a small dose of introspection is good.

However, there are people who do not know or cannot be alone with themselves. In these cases, it would be necessary to find out why. Don’t you know who you are, or don’t you want to get to know your most intimate essence?

Angel alone

Loneliness allows us to rediscover ourselves

When we spend all hours of the day in contact with other people, whether in physical or virtual form, we are constantly exposed to external thoughts, judgments and expectations. That is not negative, the human being is a social being and it is necessary to know and integrate ourselves into our environment, but the truth is that it is also necessary to rediscover ourselves.

The moments of solitude allow us to reflect on the social environments in which we are involved, the opinions of others, trends, what society expects of us, etc., and we need those moments of solitude to know our true opinion or position with respect to the group without the pressure that external gaze can sometimes imply.

Solitude is the place to meet and explore our tastes and hobbies

Another thing that usually happens when we spend all our time in company is that we go from one activity to another and, if for some reason we run out of plan, for example, on a Saturday night, we may feel bad because we no longer Let’s remember how to have fun alone.

Having moments to ourselves from time to time allows us to explore our particular forms of leisure. We can watch movies or series that only we like, read books, write, go for a walk in the city, cook, take a relaxing bath … The truth is that the number of plans is infinite.

Spending leisure time with ourselves is a way to take care of ourselves and send us the message that we are independent; Furthermore, in these activities we can find ideas and recommendations that we can later share with others.

Woman opening her heart

Loneliness gives us room for introspection

Only in solitude can we reflect on our life, our values ​​and projects, our strengths and weaknesses. Loneliness is the space for introspection, to think about ourselves and our relationships and find ways to improve. Without moments to reflect, we could never know where we are and where we want to go.

Furthermore, social life is full of conflict, as conflict is an indispensable part of human relationships. It is important to talk with others to know other people’s points of view and not get lost in our own thoughts, but it is also important to have moments of reflection in solitude, in which we can, with sincerity, think about how we act in those cases and how to solve them.

Loneliness is the drive for creativity

There are activities that can only be done in a group, and others that can only be done alone. Creative activities often fall into the latter category. Writing, painting, sewing, cooking … There are millions of ways to develop that part of our brain that has to do with intuition and art.

Often, we spend so much time immersed in essential matters, such as work and other responsibilities, that we forget to find a moment to develop that other part of life that is more creative and that generates so much well-being once immersed in it.

In the middle is equilibrium. An excess of loneliness can isolate us and even induce feelings of depression and isolation, but not knowing how to be alone can make us forget who we really are and that we do not know, when necessary, to spend time alone, take care of ourselves and have fun with our own company.

And you? Do you enjoy your time alone? How do you do it?

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