Do You Know The Favorite Costumes Of Fear?

Do you know the favorite costumes of fear?

It is difficult to recognize that we are afraid. It seems that feeling like our body shudders when we have to face something in particular is a sign of weakness, but nothing could be further from the truth.

Being afraid is one of the most natural aspects of being human, and also one of the most beneficial in terms of survival. If we didn’t experience this unpleasant but helpful emotion, we probably wouldn’t be here today.

It is precisely the emotion that challenges us to be brave and slows us down from being reckless. Although this is a reality that almost all of us know well by now, it is still too difficult for us to normalize the emotion of fear because, in turn, we fear that we will not be approved by others.

We do not want to appear weaker or less valuable than others and that is when we mask fear and try to get around it with the sole purpose of avoiding facing situations in which its face comes out.

The result is that this disguise that we put on it only makes this emotion more emboldened  and that it is much more difficult for us to be able to overcome the circumstances that do not allow us to move forward. If you want to know how we camouflage fear, don’t stop reading.

Laziness disguises the fear of “I don’t feel like it”

boy lying idly out of fear

When we are afraid of facing a situation, sometimes we choose to choose laziness as an attitude that frees us from the effort involved in having to expose ourselves to that which terrifies us so much.

Sometimes it seems that laziness is a remedy that gives us a chance to postpone what we really want. The “I don’t feel like it” or “I’ll do it” is just part of the makeup that uses fear to avoid going through the possible but unlikely consequences that could happen if everything doesn’t go perfectly.

Boredom camouflages fear in a “I just get bored”

Another very common way that fear is used to camouflage itself and not be easily discovered is boredom. If we have to face a problem that we perceive as very dangerous, even if it really is not, it is much easier and more comfortable to say that we are bored with it than to take the step of risking and overcoming it.

If, for example, I am afraid to give a talk on a topic that I know because what I fear is being criticized, it will be easier to say that giving talks is a job that bores me (although deep down I could be passionate about it). In this way I will not be so negatively judged or pressured that if I say that speaking in public makes me anxious. Sadly, the former is admitted more than the latter.

The lie characterizes the fear of “so no one will notice”

mask symbolizing a disguise of the lie

The lie is the gala disguise of fear and its mission is to get out of the consequences for having made a mistake or to show a face that provides us with greater acceptance by others. Although it is true that the lie is not as accepted as the other disguises, it also represents an escape route that feeds fear.

Hiding that something terrifies us and lying about it or making excuses, helps in the short term so that our anxiety does not come to light, goes down and we feel more relaxed. The problem is that, as in the previous cases, in the long term the situations cannot be overcome correctly.

If you sometimes disguise your fears with one of these three costumes, you may realize that the only thing you are going to achieve is to block yourself where you are and not be able to cope with what you fear.

The most sensible thing, even if it costs, is to normalize the fact of feeling fear at times, grant us the right to experience it and above all stop covering it with lazy attitudes, boredom or lies. Do you dare to undress your fear?

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