Empathy: Today I Want To Learn To Understand You

Empathy: today I want to learn to understand you

Empathy is something that many people have always had, but others need to acquire it. Empathizing means that we know why our interlocutor acts in a certain way. We know how to understand it.

This does not mean that we agree with the person in front of us, we simply know how to read in her why she acts that way, delving far beyond what is strictly apparent.

Empathy will not only help us in our relationships with others, but it will also help ourselves. Start practicing it today.

Boost empathy!

woman with flowers coming out on her chest

If you are already an empath, you should learn to enhance empathy, since this way you will be able to make the most of it. If you find it difficult to empathize with others, it is time to put into practice the exercise of putting yourself in the place of the other.

This is not easy, but it is not impossible either. To begin to empathize, we just have to start observing. Let go of our self, our perspective, and begin to place ourselves behind the eyes of other people.

For some people this already comes naturally, but for others it is a very difficult thing to do. With time and practice you will achieve it. Meanwhile … do you want to know how to enhance empathy?

  • Observation is one of the important steps of empathy, especially the observation of non-verbal behavior. People may be saying one thing, but their non-verbal language expresses something else entirely. Analyze the gestures and movements of our interlocutor, because this will reflect the deepest feelings and emotions.
  • Listening is also very important, both listening to verbal and non-verbal behavior. Much more important than talking will be listening to our interlocutor. Thanks to this active listening and observation, we will be able to position ourselves and understand the person in front of us.
  • Understanding will be the last step to enhance empathy, since by observing and listening we can realize that we understand what the other person is going through, but we do not share it. Not sharing an attitude does not imply that we should judge it, but rather understand it, open our minds and allow it to enter. Respect that attitude and understand it even if we do not share it.

Understanding will promote empathy

We will never be able to empathize if we cannot respect or understand other people’s reactions and attitudes. We should never judge anything because maybe it is tomorrow when you do the same thing that you are criticizing.

Woman sitting on heart

Opening your mind and understanding what you do not share will allow you to learn more about personal relationships and will encourage you to better empathize with others.

In order to empathize with others, whether we already have it naturally, or if we are forcing ourselves to be able to empathize, we must take into account some issues:

  • Look at your interlocutor with interest.
  • We will control our emotions and if something causes us rejection we will not show it.
  • We convey to the other person that we understand them.
  • We will delve into the information of our interlocutor.
  • We will show our support.

All this will help you to understand the other person and that he or she manages to feel good and accompanied. Likewise, this is something that you demand when you need to be understood, someone who can and knows how to empathize with you.

Sometimes it is very difficult for us to empathize with others. This occurs when pain and disappointment make an appearance. These negative emotions are much stronger than sensitivity, that’s why we lose perspective, empathy is relegated.

You can learn to empathize, but it takes effort and practice observation, active listening, and understanding.  Do you want to learn to understand others? Do you want to know today how to understand various acts? This will enrich you and it will also enrich with regard to your interpersonal relationships.

woman smiling symbolizing empathy

Images courtesy of Mina Smoke and Christian Schloe

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