Every Day I Feel Lighter, More Excited And Less Perfect

Every day I feel lighter, more excited and less perfect

Every day I perceive myself less perfect, and that feeling, far from worrying me, makes me proud and allows me to be more, much free: more me. Now, I move lighter, without extraneous weights, without thorns in my heart and without stones under my shoe that hinder my hopeful progress, my walk full of harmony and multiple possibilities.

All these ideas are summarized in a term that is very current: personal growth. The publishing industry offers multiple approaches, strategies and fine-tuned skills for us to take the step – to make a genuine investment in ourselves. Now, finding those hidden talents, empowering them and looking at the horizon with a clearer mind and a fiery heart is not something exactly easy.

Likewise, an aspect that is worth highlighting, and which the publishing market is very clear about, is that the audience that most demands this type of reading on personal development and growth are women. The feminine gender seeks to go beyond the borders of its own contexts to grow, and in turn, transform its realities and a society where changes are still very slow, and where the masculine continues to fill most of the spheres.

It is not easy. We live in a world where, curiously, growth is a fundamental imperative in any organization. Every business is governed by an essential law: either it grows or it perishes. However, on a human level this need is not so explicit.  Because sometimes, “growing up” means stopping being afraid to raise your voice, it also means daring to challenge what has been established to demonstrate all that we are capable of. An aspect that the female gender is already achieving by leaps and bounds.

We suggest you reflect on it with us.

perfect woman with bird

Personal growth also implies “going beyond ourselves”

Most of our readers will undoubtedly know Abraham Maslow’s famous pyramid of needs. This theory, enunciated in 1940, placed on its cusp the concept of self-realization as the reflection of a person who, apparently, had finally achieved his authentic personal development.

Now, what not everyone knows is that Abraham Maslow himself realized two decades after that his theory failed. There was something wrong. The search for self-realization implies that we focus all our efforts, skills and energies on our own person exclusively. We yearn to be capable, independent, creative, courageous, and above all, to be self-sufficient in almost every aspect.

Maslow perceived that the majority of people interpreted the top of their pyramid as the crown that is awarded to an enlarged individual who perceives himself as someone skilled, strong and, in turn, disconnected from his environment . There seemed to be no common good, therefore, a higher purpose. His approach was not correct. Hence, he introduced another dimension that went beyond that complacency, that personal entropy to achieve a greater purpose: he called it self-transcendence.

woman with guitar

Curiously, this need for self-transcendence is what characterizes the vast majority of women who are interested every day in cultivating themselves in the world of development and personal growth. Today’s woman is very clear about her identities, what her potentialities are. He does not need to “exalt” what he already is, he does not want to be complacent, he seeks above all to transcend, to go beyond the limits that others have imposed on him to make contact with his environment and change it.

We are what we are and we aspire to be what we undoubtedly deserve. To achieve this , it is necessary to have an approach to life, an illusion, some objectives, some passions to place on our horizon to fight for them every day, every moment. Second, we must put aside the expectations of others to assume our own: they are the only ones that are really worth.

The third and no less valuable is to always be ourselves, without contradictions, without false approaches, without biases that contradict our own essences. Only in this way will we live in harmony, only in this way will we take care of ourselves as we deserve, giving in turn to others and to this world, the best of our being to make it a little more respectful, more dignified.

Images courtesy of Irene Sheri

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