Five Ideas To Turn Conflicts Into Opportunities

Five Ideas for Turning Conflict into Opportunity

It is normal for conflicts to arise between two people who maintain a good family relationship, friendship, partner, or whatever. But learning to deal with conflict rather than avoid it is critical to the growth and maturity of this relationship. A poorly managed conflict can cause great harm. However, when handled correctly, in a respectful and positive way, conflict is an opportunity to strengthen the bond between people.

That is why learning conflict resolution skills helps personal and professional relationships to be strong and improve over time. Conflict arises from differences and occurs when about your values, motivations, perceptions, ideas or desires. The needs of both parties play an important role in the success of relationships  and each deserves respect and consideration.

In personal relationships, the lack of understanding about the diversity of the needs of each one can cause distancing, arguments and ruptures. However, when the legitimacy of conflicting needs can be recognized and people are willing to look at them with a sympathetic attitude, paths are opened for creative problem solving and improving relationships.

A conflict is an opportunity

A conflict is more than just a disagreement. This is a situation in which one or both parties perceive a threat. These threats affect our well-being, so they stay with us until we face them to try to solve them. Thus, it is useless to ignore the conflict since, far from disappearing, it grows due to uncertainty.

Woman stressed by her conflicts

Our perceptions are influenced by our life experiences and our culture and by our values ​​and beliefs; We normally respond to conflicts based on our perceptions  of situations and not necessarily from an objective review of the facts.

On the other hand, conflicts provoke strong emotions and if we are not able to feel comfortable with our emotions or we are not able to manage stress, it will be very difficult for us to resolve conflicts successfully.

However, conflicts are an opportunity for growth since, when we are able to resolve them, our trust in the relationship increases. This is due to the security that comes from knowing that this relationship can survive disagreements and the different challenges that may arise.

How to manage conflict in a healthy way

Take into account the other

You must be able to recognize and respond to the things that matter to the other person. Instead of trying not to recognize and not respond to the things that matter to you, it is positive to take into account what can cause the other person discomfort. In general, we tend to see reality from our point of view, that is why it is so important to know that we are all different and we do not have to think the same. Tolerance and training a flexible mind will undoubtedly help us to resolve conflicts in a more positive way.


React calmly and respectfully. It is unnecessary to be on the defensive. Rather than reacting explosively and looking angry, resentful, and hurtful, it is much more efficient to remain calm. In fact, from Buddhist psychology, they affirm that when we most need to react aggressively, it is the moment when we must remain more still and quiet. Getting carried away by anger does not usually bring good results. So if we think that the situation may overwhelm us, it is better to take a walk and relax.

Woman taking deep breaths to resolve her conflicts

Understanding and forgiveness

Be willing to forgive and forget to leave the conflict behind without resentment instead of showing the other you don’t care and rejecting them. In this way you can feel isolated and humiliated and cause a feeling of abandonment that hurts deep in your soul. We all make mistakes. Our friends too. Therefore, it is important to bear in mind that no one is perfect and to understand the causes that may have led someone to carry out a certain behavior.


Try to put yourself in the place of the other and seek the commitment so that he does the same with you. In this way, you avoid punishment and verbal abuse and the effort to impose your criteria in front of the other. The question is to reach an agreement, to a common point. Emotional Intelligence, in this case, will be of great help to us to understand the emotions and feelings of the other person.

Facing the conflict

Confront conflict, instead of avoiding it for fear of bad results. If we try to flee the conflict, we will only be delaying it. This, in turn, can generate more anger and resentment within us, so the sooner we talk about it, the better. Finding the right place and time will be essential. But, without a doubt, avoiding it will get you nowhere. So… No fear!

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