How To Restore Broken Communication?

The key to repairing a broken communication with another person is the honest desire to do so. If so, what follows is to arm yourself with patience, be very constant and apply some basic criteria that we will share with you right away.
How to restore broken communication?

Restoring broken communication is not an easy task, mainly because in most cases up to this point a series of errors have been made that have not been corrected. Thus, retracing a path of silences, possible disrespect and unhealed wounds will always be an arduous task.

Despite the difficulty, it is worth working to restore the broken communication. Every bond becomes and remains healthy largely thanks to  honest, timely, and respectful dialogue. To communicate correctly is something that is learned; if practiced consistently, it ends up internalizing.

The relationships  with others are much more fluid and harmonious when they are mediated dialogue. It’s never too late to restore broken communication, and if you really want to, the following guidelines can help you get there.

Couple turning their backs to represent saying sorry does not erase the pain caused.

Choose the time and place well

There are different degrees of breakdown in communication and if it is very severe, you have to handle the situation with great tact. To begin, it is important to choose the right time and place to attempt an approach.

Ideally, there should be no interruptions or external pressure so that both people can focus on the dialogue. It is not always achieved on the first try; hence the reward of consistency in practice.

Avoid generalizations

To maintain good communication with someone, it is not convenient to generalize their mistakes or failures. That of “you always do this” or “you never do that” is unnecessary.

On the other hand, before attempting to restore broken communication with someone, you must be willing to accept with tolerance and nobility their mistakes or shortcomings. Generalization is a sign that you have not succeeded.

Maintain a purposeful attitude

It is very important to have and maintain a genuine desire to improve things. This you should think about and decide before attempting the dialogue with the other person.

If that objective is authentic, you will find a way to propose solutions, instead of updating reproaches  or reiterating hurts. The intention to find exits is also contagious.

Avoid labels

One of the factors that damages communication between people is the tendency to label others. This means simplifying them and reducing them to a minimum.

It also operates as a prejudice that does not allow us to see situations in a renewed way. No human being can be reduced to one aspect, so avoid thinking and speaking in those terms.

Listen, a key to restore broken communication

Restoring broken communication goes through the process of learning to listen to the other. It doesn’t just mean that you keep quiet while he talks, but make an effort to understand his perspective.

You can only understand someone if you can appreciate them on their own terms and not yours. To achieve this, it is essential to listen carefully.

Be consistent

Nobody is one hundred percent consistent, but it is possible to reach a more or less stable level in that regard. Being consistent means not promising what cannot be fulfilled, not saying what one is not able to sustain, etc.

In short, change your mind only if there is a good reason to do so and back up your words with actions. Consistency fosters trust and gives dialogue its true value.

Women talking about sensitive topics

Avoid reproaches

Before talking to a person with whom you want to repair communication, it is important that you are clear about what you feel and what you want from that person.

This is what you have to talk about: what you want, your feelings, your beliefs, your goals, etc. You do not have to mention what you think the other person feels, thinks or wants, since that corresponds to them and nothing more than to them.

Be patient

Good communication is not broken in a day and cannot be repaired in that time. It takes a lot of patience for something that has stalled to flow again.

So probably one attempt will not be enough and you cannot start at the most critical distancing points either. The secret is to be patient, but above all constant in your efforts to regain the quality of the bond.

The usual thing is that the dialogue recovers little by little and that in the process there are ups and downs. Don’t be scared: it’s normal. In reality, the most difficult thing comes later, because it is necessary to preserve what has been achieved. This is an effort to maintain respect, tolerance and listening. It is not as difficult as it sounds, once you hit the road.

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