How To Tell Children A Separation

How to tell children about a separation

Graham Greene, British critic and writer, said that ” there is always a moment in childhood when the door opens and lets in the future. ” Although it may be real, sometimes that door could be opened too soon, and we, as parents, do not know how to tell children about a separation, because they are too small and innocent, and we do not wish them a future that could come sooner. of time.

A separation is a delicate situation that also affects the little ones. One of the main concerns parents have when separating is how to communicate the breakup to their children. When to do it, what words to use and above all, how to answer the questions they ask. The psychologist Mónica Cruz, an expert in these issues, offers us the keys to tell children about a separation properly.

Prior agreement

It is convenient to make a prior agreement between the parents. That is, both agree on what to say to the children, and do it together as much as possible. For this it is important to practice beforehand and not leave anything to improvisation.

Be that as it may, if the situation becomes complex, it is important not to lose your cool. In fact, if one of you loses your cool, it is best to postpone the conversation and leave it for another time.

Parents arguing in front of their daughter

Tell the truth to children

It is better not to lie. A child, who is generally self-centered (especially before the age of 6 or 7), may tend to blame himself. That is why it is very important that the explanation of what happens is very concrete and clear, preventing them from creating a story based on their imagination to cover the information they do not have.

Security before everything

It is not an easy time, but it is important that children notice security in the words of their parents. It is the ideal way for them to understand that the decision is firm.

Cruz advises telling the children that, in the beginning, when they got together, they loved each other very much and formed a family with all the love in the world. However , as time goes by, they no longer get along as well as in the beginning and consider that they cannot be happy together.

Do not use disqualifications towards the other party

It is necessary not to disqualify the other party. Although it is possible to comment with the small situations experienced recently, as more common discussions in recent times, it does not mean that the other spouse can be insulted or blamed.

If you enter into disqualifications, you only get to make the situation more difficult. It is information that does not contribute anything, can be misinterpreted by the child and creates tension. You have to forget phrases like “he wants me to go” or “he abandons me,” for example.

Explain that everything has been tried

It is not a bad idea to explain to the little ones that everything has been tried. In other words, both parties have tried to keep the family union afloat by solving the problems, but in the end it was not possible to come to fruition.

This is a way for children to accept that it is not an impulsive decision. If you think it was, you might as well believe that it may be reversible. That is why it is so important to tell the truth with confidence, so that they understand that, after deliberating for a while, it has been concluded that this is the best solution for the well-being of all.

Father talking to his son about separation

More details to consider

From here, it is necessary for the little ones to understand that :

  • They have nothing to do with what happened, everything just did not turn out as the parents expected.
  • They can cry and express their emotions, it is not necessary for them to believe that nothing is wrong.
  • It is also important to ask the opinion of the children, even comment if they expected something like this, since in recent times the situation was not good. This prevents misconceptions from being created.
  • Of course, you have to explain what will happen in the immediate future. That is, they will remain a family, they will spend time with dad or mom, etc. This reduces your uncertainty.
  • Finally, it is important to ask to ensure that the little ones have understood everything. If you have any questions, it is important that you ask them.

Of course, telling children about a separation is not easy, and their reactions can be very diverse. Denial, anger, silence… Be that as it may, it is important that they understand that their parents will be there forever, together or apart.

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