I Have Not Changed, I Have Grown (emotional Maturity)

I have not changed, I have grown (emotional maturity)

I have not changed, I have learned. And learning is not changing, it is GROWING. It may be difficult to understand but I have already climbed and descended many of my mountains. I have grown up with my demons and have faced my shadows thanks to my emotional maturity.

Really, life lacks manuals. There are guides for almost everything, but not for growing up. That is learned by walking through life in the midst of a multitude of messages of what you have and do not have to be and what you have to achieve.

What we don’t realize is that emotional maturity is not like physical maturity. It is not inevitable, you have to work on it.


Face of a woman

The learned path of emotional maturity

Sadly, only a small part of us reaches that vital moment so critical in which it is possible to say “I have been a good walker and I have made my way while walking”.

Maturing means understanding that you have reached that point in life where you understand that there can be no more powerful love than self-love.

People sitting on an attraction

What do emotionally mature people do?

1. They let go of what does not do you good

Harboring the idea that  any time past was better  ensures that we suffer emotional pain in the present. It prevents us from letting go, letting go.  And panic us into an abyss that our eyes insist on seeing too deep.

So vertigo arises. But not just any vertigo. The emotional. The one that prevents us from looking to the past to close stages, heal our wounds and stop hitting where it hurts.

2. They don’t allow their emotional past to ruin their present.

Emotionally immature people think that looking into the past is a waste of time, that they do not need to clean their insides and that the important thing is to live in the present.

Thus,  the dirt from your emotional past accumulates and accumulates,  creating an ever-increasing mountain of pain.

By ceasing to review your interior, you cannot escape from it, but rather allow the negative parts of your emotional past to take over your present life.  And this, of course, takes away from the positive and also hurts. It hurts much.

So when you have learned enough from pain, you look within to heal your emotional past and take another step up.

Heart-shaped leaf

3. Stop complaining

Either you change or you accept. If you are an emotionally mature person, you realize that the complaint has put you in more than one dark maze. We are what we think, and that emotionally mature people have experienced. If you act more and complain less it means that you are growing emotionally.

4. They allow themselves the luxury of making mistakes.

You are maturing if you have realized that mistakes are a good way to learn. Because it is not a crime, but it is another way of understanding the path. You accept your limitations and work to improve them.

5. They have learned to open up emotionally

You are maturing if you realize that breastplates belong to the past and that they only hinder your journey. Therefore, you will stop fearing commitment and love, trusting yourself and others fully.

Emotional maturity allows you to take charge of your life. Have your own vision of the world and a great ambition for success. As you develop emotional maturity, life becomes a pleasure and not a chore.

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