Insomnia, Have Sweet Dreams

Insomnia, have sweet dreams

You roll over again in bed and change your position again. Sheep counting tests… 1… 2… 3… Nothing. There is no way.

You get up, go to the fridge and drink water. You walk down the hall with the conviction that now you are going to get to sleep …

But no. There is no way. Tomorrow will be another day in which my routine will weigh on me, the night will come again and again to go around infinite, what is it that keeps you from sleeping?

What does not let us sleep?

When we suffer from  insomnia , on many occasions we cannot sleep well due to the fear of not sleeping that occurs before going to bed and that does not allow us to fall asleep.

Other times, it is our active mind that prevents sleep, hovering over and over again, working on solving daily problems, family matters, plans, worries and body aches, work … etc.


There are beliefs that do not favor falling asleep, for example, considering that it is wasted time or ignoring your body by taking substances that keep you awake.

The importance of sleeping well

When you are sleepy, it is important to sleep even a nap, even if it appears while doing a very important job, such as driving a train or performing a surgical intervention, it is important to stop for a few minutes and sleep, because our actions not only depend on our life but that of others.

In addition to putting order in our lifestyle, exercising improves the quality of sleep in the medium term,  exerts an anxiolytic and antidepressant effect, especially if it is aerobic.

Exercising improves sleep latency, duration, and quality, and the ability to rest and get a good night’s sleep.

It is important not to engage in physical activity immediately before bedtime, unless it is, for example, a quiet walk outside or other recreational activities that help relieve tension, clear the head, and improve mood.


Recommendations and techniques for insomnia

1) Appreciate  the importance of sleep for a rich and happy life.

2) Reorganize: it  is important to give time to everything (even have time to sleep), regulate life and daily activities. The way of living is in relation to the way of sleeping and vice versa.

3) Define daily work goals and have the satisfaction of having met them. There may be factors that make it impossible to plan what the next day will be like, but in any case, ordering the activity is ordering the dream: agenda, schedules, quadrants …

4) Maintain regular hours:  get up and go to bed all day at almost the same time, regardless of whether you are sleepy or not.

5) Eliminate  coffee and cola drinks and take care of food, especially what is eaten for dinner.

Stimulant drinks such as tea, coffee, chocolate, guarana, yerba mate or cola can interfere with sleep. Also foods highly seasoned with hot spices or foods that cause flatulence, heartburn, reflux or diarrhea.

Chocolate, mint, and fatty foods lower the pressure of the sphincter, which causes reflux of the esophagus into its interior in predisposed people.

In general, it is advisable to lie down at least 2 hours after having dinner to avoid reflux problems.

: Foods that have diuretic properties, such as parsley, endives, celery, garlic, eggplant or onion can cause our sleep to be interrupted.

However, there are foods that promote sleep because they are rich in tryptophan (bananas, pasta, rice, whole grains, dates, dried figs, walnuts) or in melatonin (corn, tomatoes or potatoes).

6) Find a better place to sleep and have it as a refuge, as a cozy corner.

7) Taking one foot out  of the sheet or blanket, regulates body temperature and helps to achieve better circulation.

8) Write:  if new ideas or plans appear after lying down, it is good to have paper and pencil on hand to capture them. By being written, one frees oneself from them in some way: they disappear from thought and one can sleep peacefully.

9) Meditation  improves the attention directed towards the breath and predisposes to a state of mental tranquility.

We wish you sweet dreams …


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