Practice Humility In Your Life

Practice humility in your life

Throughout the centuries,  being humble has been a virtue. And although humility is still highly valued today, we only become aware of it when, for example, the leaders of a country do a review and improvement exercise, or with those people with whom we interact on a daily basis. more intimate way.

However, for some people success makes them change and pervert some of the qualities for which they began to be recognized around them.

It is worth asking then, what are the characteristics that define humble people. Not only when they are in a disadvantaged situation, but also when they achieve numerous achievements and go on to live in a comfortable way.

How are humble people?

As the most striking trait, humble people are strongly committed to some aspect of their life. They do not seek success or fame, but glory and talent in what they do ; whether working as a sculptor, homemaker or doctor.

Woman with flowers on her chest symbol of humility

People who practice humility seek to improve the lives of others without boasting about it. They focus on the process rather than the result, being receptive to possible changes along the way. His indications, mandates or orders are not loaded with imposition, but with authority open to criticism and improvement.

They listen to others with interest, without underestimating evaluations according to those who come, from a craftsman to a politician. And they consider each of the opinions as interesting to understand something in particular or to nourish themselves with a more accurate vision of the reality that surrounds them.

The exaltation of power is something allergic for them. In addition to not looking for it, they consider that their reward is implicit in a job well done, much more than in its public recognition. So they are congruent with their private life and with the public ideas they express. Hypocrisy is out of your code of conduct.

In their relationships with others, kindness and good communication prevail , not making light judgments and practicing empathy. For them, stories sometimes have more value to change the world than norms.

What are people lacking in humility like?

Woman lacking in humility holding a puppet

Now that we know the main traits of humble people, we can mention what people who lack this great value are like :

  • They are usually people devoid of any self-critical thinking and who practice an attitude of moral, intellectual or economic superiority. Something that creates tension in your relationships with others.
  • They do not exchange opinions to enrich themselves. They believe that the only way to impose their point of view is by avoiding other opinions, ridiculing the other, and even intimidation.
  • They do not listen. They take the opportunity to express life lessons and advice that, if followed by the other person, imply an implicit gain for themselves.
  • His obsession with power and success, for pleasing others above all else, produces on many occasions a little elaborate way of approaching his work and overcoming small difficulties to improve it.

And on an emotional level, they have the idea that to lead a good life in this area it is an indispensable condition to show happiness as if it were a trophy. This can lead the person and those around them to a feeling of emptiness and a loss of the true meaning of relationships and their daily intimacy.

Therefore, practice humility, do not be afraid of being insignificant. You will have more impact than you think and more peace of mind.

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