Sometimes In Order To Live We Have To Ignore Many People

Sometimes to live we have to ignore many people

To be happy we have to know how to ignore many people. We have to learn to live and disregard those acts, words or feelings that seek or manage to annul us.

There are simply people who are conflictive and who torment us with their complaints, with their judgments and with their dramas. This can be overwhelming, overwhelming and highly toxic, since it conditions our well-being to the uncertainty of their actions.

That is why we have to stop feeding those exchanges that suck our energy and cloud our reality. So the first thing to learn is to ignore certain people when they are hurting us.


Stay away from everything that takes you away from yourself

Stay away from what hurts you, from what darkens your life, from what becomes sinister. Stay away from toxic people because your health will appreciate it. Don’t let your world fall apart.

The emotional balance must be inclined to the side of your well-being and, although suffering is inevitable and we must accept it, it is essential that we know how to handle it at will. In other words, demons sometimes have to be embraced in order to see them as “less bad.”

Do not forget that from time to time we have to download. The mind, like the body, must detoxify from free radicals, from negative emotions, from troubled pasts, from people who destabilize it.

Little girl flying with a heart balloon in her hand

Let go of suffering

Saying goodbye to suffering can be a difficult task, but sometimes it is important to stop and reset our priorities. That is why we must consider escaping from painful emotions, those that are not healthy and that torment us, that prevent us from evolving.

As Epícteto once said,  “what disturbs us is not the facts, but what we think about them”. That is why it is important that we know how to identify, express and value our emotions strategically. Let’s see it next:

1. Expressing our feelings and emotions 

As they say, sometimes we don’t need a brilliant mind to speak to us, but rather a patient heart to listen to us. Our emotions are born to be experienced, so retaining them out of fear only muddies our reality. For example, if we accumulate sadness we can facilitate the appearance of depression.

2. Analyzing the beliefs that sustain painful emotions

It is natural that we worry about performing in studies but we cannot terrify our mistakes, because that way we will only feed bad feelings. In other words, there is no worse storm than the one that forms in your head.

It is not the same to think that  “it is terrible that our son has left home”  than to believe that  “although it makes us sad that he has left, it is normal that he has . The latter will favor the appearance of anxiety and depression.

3. Transforming, releasing and purifying those feelings and emotions

Analyzing our emotions and feelings is not enough, we must explore what is hidden behind them. This is the only way to free ourselves. It may be inevitable that a part of “insane” remains   in our emotions and thoughts, but what we have to be clear about is that we should not feed it.


Don’t let go of the people who make your world beautiful

Do not let go of those people who make your world beautiful, let those who cancel it go. Keep in your life everything that helps you and what makes you a better person.

Take care of and enrich your life with relationships that support your well-being, always do it sincerely, with affection and with respect. Keep your door open for good people and ignore everything that makes you bad, your health will appreciate it.

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