The 5 Best Mindfulness Phrases

The 5 best mindfulness phrases

The phrases of mindfulness come mostly from Buddhism , since it is precisely in that philosophical and religious doctrine where that concept is born. Mindfulness is also known as mindfulness or pure awareness.

Mindfulness is defined as a spiritual state of absolute concentration in the present. It implies an approach of all the senses towards the reality that is experienced and is the fruit of meditation. It supposes a connection with silence, with the interior of oneself from a conscious state.

Mindfulness phrases are intended to explain the details of that particular state. Its objective is mainly didactic because it is a complex concept that in reality only comes to be understood when it is lived. Either way, the claims of the great masters help to clarify the issue.

1. The abandonment of thought

Osho was a philosopher and mystic well known in the world. To him we owe several of the great phrases of mindfulness. Although he was a controversial figure, his famous reflections have given rise to much of the contemporary literature on mindfulness.

This Osho text describes the state of mindfulness very well: “ Only by being aware, thoughts begin to disappear. There is no need to fight. Your knowledge is enough to destroy them. And when the mind is empty, the temple is ready. And inside the temple, the only god worth placing is silence . So those three words to remember: relaxation, thoughtlessness, silence . And if these three words are no more words for you but become experiences, your life will be transformed ”.

2. One of the Dalai Lama’s phrases about mindfulness

This is one of the mindfulness phrases uttered by the Dalai Lama himself. It goes like this: “ For this reason, we cannot take out insurance; the insurance company is within: self-discipline, self-awareness and a clear understanding of the downsides of anger and the positive effects of kindness.

Without a doubt, it is a beautiful sentence. He spoke these words in a speech about safety and guarantees in life. The way to anticipate catastrophes and great evils. The text, then, remembers that this depends, finally, on what we carry inside and not on external circumstances. The last part is particularly important, where the negative effects of anger and the positive effects of kindness are emphasized.

3. Compassion

Compassion is another one of those values ​​that is at the heart of Buddhism. Much of that philosophy is dedicated to the cultivation of kindness and brotherhood. They are considered superior virtues because they enclose many others within themselves and are only the result of long and constant work.

Hands surrounding the sun representing mindfulness phrases

This phrase by Thomas Merton describes very well the Buddhist idea of ​​compassion and its relationship to mindfulness. It goes like this: ” The whole idea of ​​compassion is based on an acute awareness of the interdependence of all these living beings, which are part of each other and all are involved in each other .” Mindfulness is also about understanding, accepting, and respecting that mutual interdependence.

It is to be remembered that in this philosophy all forms of life are worthy. From that of a simple insect, to human life. Therefore, compassion is not only exercised among peers, but also with all forms of life in nature.

4. Everyday acts and conscience

Mindfulness is not achieved by retiring to meditate in a monastery for years. Whatever the circumstances, this fullness can always be accessed, through the simplest daily acts. This is how Osho makes us see it in a text that includes several phrases of mindfulness, which are quite illustrative.

In this regard, he points out: “ Walk, but walk meditating, consciously and breathe, let your breath become a constant meditation; breathe knowingly . The breath comes in: look at it. The breath comes out: look at it. Eat, but eat mindfully. Take a bite, chew, but keep looking. Let the observer be present at all times, whatever they are doing ”.

That staying in the present and sharpening all the senses to capture the moment that is being lived, begins by becoming aware of even the smallest act. This is what Buddha asks: to be permanent observers of ourselves.

5. Consciousness and happiness

Mindfulness is the fruit of constant observation, of the persevering effort to separate thoughts, feelings and impulses, dedicating all the will just to contemplate. In contemplation one meets the universe. And that meeting generates harmony and happiness.

water lilies representing mindfulness phrases

Osho puts it this way: “ Consciousness is the greatest alchemy there is. Just keep becoming more and more aware, and you will find that your life changes for the better in every possible dimension. It will bring you great satisfaction ”.

While many Western philosophers take consciousness as a source of misery, Buddhist philosophy sees it as the exact opposite. This is because Western consciousness is based on reason, while Eastern consciousness is based on spirituality, silence, and the absence of thought.

All these mindfulness phrases show us that we still have a lot to learn from Eastern philosophies. Also that there are other ways to achieve well-being, different from personal success. Welcome are those teachings that bring us light.

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