The Four Phases Of Alcoholism

Due to the normalized consumption of alcohol in the social context, addiction to this substance often goes unnoticed. In many cases, the intervention begins when there is already a very strong dependency and achieving results is more complicated.
The four phases of alcoholism

Alcohol intake is normalized in our society. It is part of our meetings and our way of relating to others. Therefore, it is difficult to detect when the escalation is increasing. In this context, knowing the phases of alcoholism will help us to act in the first phases, where the intervention has better results.

The person who begins to develop an addiction to alcohol often denies what is happening. Likewise, it is a process that occurs gradually. Therefore, if symptoms are not identified in the early stages, the problem will get worse.

Man with bottle of alcohol in hand

The four phases of alcoholism

Pre-alcoholic phase

In this stage alcohol consumption begins. It is generally done in social settings and for recreational purposes. Alcohol becomes a tool to relieve tension and deal with emotional problems. This happens because the intake activates the brain’s reward system, providing pleasant sensations to the person who consumes it.

However, if ingestion begins to occur frequently, the body’s metabolism changes and tolerance appears. Relatively quickly, larger amounts of alcohol are needed to obtain the same effects. In this way, it is possible that beer or wine goes to liqueurs and that two glasses become five.

Initial or prodromal phase

Also called the early stage of alcoholism, it gives rise to the appearance of the first blackouts or memory failures. That is, it is possible that amnesia occurs over certain periods.

At this time, alcohol becomes the subject’s main interest, increasing their concern about getting drinks or having them in any place or meeting they go.

He begins to ingest alcohol eagerly, increasing his consumption both to celebrate and to alleviate a bad moment. Every excuse is good. However, the individual begins to perceive that he maintains a problematic consumption, for which he feels guilt and begins to drink secretly.

For this reason, they tend to be defensive when their close ones suggest their possible alcoholism problem. They get offended and evade conversations about it.

Crucial or critical phase

At this point, the concern for alcohol is such that it banishes all other interests. The different areas of the person’s life begin to be seriously affected. There is loss of employment, abandonment of friends and a great deterioration of family life.

The subject loses control of consumption and is usually boastful, hostile and aggressive. Social pressures from his environment only make the alcoholic rationalize and justify his behavior or begin to lie to cover it up. It is also likely that geographic leaks will occur (fleeing from home or city thinking that in another location the problem will not be such).

However, and despite all the remorse is continuous, the person may try to maintain total abstinence during certain periods that end quickly. Paradoxically, tolerance decreases and they achieve the same state of intoxication with less alcohol, which leads to the illusion of thinking that they have the situation under control.

Alcoholic man

Chronic phase

In this last stage, the alcoholic disease is established and the consequences are profound and irreversible. The individual needs to drink alcohol constantly, spending long periods of time drunk. You can consume any type of substance that contains alcohol even if it is not suitable for consumption.

Their integrity and their values ​​disintegrate as well as their cognitive capacities (memory, attention, decision making…) which are severely affected. There is an enormous physical and mental deterioration, and various mental disorders may appear. Ultimately, the person is likely to end up hospitalized and lose their life.

It is clear that the consequences of developing alcohol dependence can be devastating at all levels. But, despite this, many times when you decide to take action it is already too late.

Therefore, it is essential to know the process, the characteristics of each phase so that risk behaviors can be detected in time. Having the symptoms present can help you become aware of the situation.

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