The Gift Of Children With High Sensitivity

Children with high sensitivity are able to see and experience reality in a totally different way. Learn more relevant information about them
The gift of children with high sensitivity

People with high sensitivity are those who feel and perceive reality with greater emotional intensity. With an emotional closeness to their environment, so intense, that sometimes, they prefer to seek solitude and their own introspection. But what about children? How is the childhood of highly sensitive people?

Sometimes we can have children of 6 or 7 years old endowed with an unusual empathy for their age. In fact, they are able to appreciate details that sometimes escape our attention. How is it possible? They are still very young people who go beyond the universe of emotion and intuition.

How is the child with high sensitivity?

The life of a highly sensitive child is not easy. Their integration into the school environment is usually complicated due to this sensitivity, which both their classmates and teachers will see immediately. They may be branded lonely or weird.

Highly sensitive child

They do not like surprises or change and prefer calm to movement. In addition,  their maturational levels are often different from those of other children. Therefore, they may find it difficult to fit in. They are thoughtful and intuitive. In fact, you will notice aspects of your reality that few around you will be able to appreciate.

Educators affirm that they must be able to be identified early to achieve their correct school integration.  And it is that, sometimes, many teachers feel tired by those children who continually assail them with questions and complex reflections for which, sometimes, they do not have time to attend.

This causes these children to reach adolescence with a negative image of themselves. Knowing that they have a talent that no one has appreciated or valued. You have to know and appreciate them, let them develop their abilities and concerns so that they can get to know themselves, to understand what happens to them and how they can manage that sensitivity for their own benefit and that of others. It is important to set goals and objectives for these children, answer their questions, their reasoning, give them answers and understanding.

Children with high sensitivity: children after all

On many occasions, the emotional maturity of these children means that the parents also  do not know how to treat them. Their physical sensitivity also tends to attract attention, they feel pain more quickly. Sometimes they are bothered by certain clothes, and even have a small stain on their jacket. They are insistent in their reflections and, at times, parents are overwhelmed.

Angry sensitive girl

But the opposite can also happen, due to this emotional maturity parents tend to rely on them a lot, making them participate in many things at home. This is also a risk at times. It must be remembered that they are still children,  and that we must not add more worries to those they normally feel and intuit in silence.

Children with high sensitivity: final thoughts

According to Guarino, LR, Feldman, L., & Roger, D. (2005), children with high sensitivity possess significant cognitive and emotional relational capacities. However, they are vulnerable in their social relationships. Therefore, fostering their social performance is vital for them to make the most of their abilities.

They are not children with elderly brains and hearts, they are children with special needs that we must understand to help them in their growth process. So that day by day, they find their space and their happiness. High sensitivity is a gift to learn to live with.  Sometimes it is not easy, we know, but existence refines for the eyes of these people, a dimension that few are able to see.

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