The Legend Of The Dreamcatchers

The legend of dream catchers

Dreamcatchers are instruments of power of shamanic medicine, whose origin can be traced back to the American Indian tribes. Its ring, traditionally made of willow wood, represents the wheel of life, the mesh or the net are the dreams, desires and illusions that we weave in the Time of dreams, in the soul and in the movement that we generate with our activities everyday. At the center of the web is the void, the creative spirit, the “Great Mystery”.

According to tradition, dream catchers help keep good ideas and pleasant dreams with us, as well as protect those who own it. Dreamtime is influenced by good and bad energies; the latter are trapped by the mesh and dissipate through the central hole with the first rays of the sun.

Dream Catcher

The meaning of the word dreamcatcher

The word “dreamcatcher” comes from the English dreamcatcher , hence the Spanish translation. However, in the language of the Ojibwa, of whom this amulet is their own, it is called asabikeshiinh , which means spider ; although it is also known by the name of bawaajige nagwaagan  or stocks of dreams.

These objects began to be commercialized by the Ojibwa in the 1960s, being criticized by the other tribes for somehow desecrating their wonderful meaning. This makes sense, since they are currently manufactured and sold without attending to the magical and mystical energization process, thus losing their essence and becoming a mere ornament.

Because of this, the belief in dream catchers has spread enormously over the past few years. However, most of us do not know the precious legend that they offer us. Let’s see what it consists of.

Indian navigating the river with a canoe

The legend of dream catchers

Legend has it that there was a spider woman named Asibikaashi who cared for the people of the earth. The spider woman watched over every creature in our world, leaning over the cribs and children’s beds while weaving a fine, delicate and strong web that was capable of catching all evil between its threads and making it vanish at dawn.

When her people dispersed across North America, it became very difficult for her to take care of all the children, so mothers and grandmothers had to start weaving nets with magical properties that trap bad dreams and nightmares, thus protecting them. their children.

Indian woman with dream catcher

The ancient legend of the Ojibwa Indians about dream catchers tells that dreams pass through the net filtering and sliding good dreams through soft feathers until they reach us. Bad dreams, however, are trapped in the tissue and die with the first beam of daylight.

However, for the Lakota people of the Sioux tribe of North America, dream catchers work differently. That is, nightmares pass through the web while dreams are caught in the threads and slide down the feathers to the person who is sleeping.

The bad is blocked and destroyed, the good stays with us

There are people who give this a different meaning, understanding the word dreams as aspirations, desires or longings. Therefore, the dream catchers would serve to achieve everything that we propose and long for.

The truth is that we cannot guarantee that dream catchers will or do not ward off bad dreams, bad energies or bad vibrations but, nevertheless, it is pacifying to be in contact with Indian culture, due to the magic that it gives off.

This culture has filled us and will always fill us with knowledge and millenary traditions that we must strive to keep close to in the most faithful way possible, because in some way we owe them a large part of our wisdom.

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