The Only People That Interest Me Are Those Who Are Crazy About Living

The only people that interest me are those who are crazy to live

I don’t want people next to me who transmit negativity to me, who only see the bad. I want people who are crazy to live, to jump, to laugh, who are passionate about life and who teach me many new things every day, who learn from me, who enjoy and who transmit the energy of living to me.

I like people who vibrate, who are passionate, who love what they do, who are not afraid, who have learned that changes are opportunities. I like people who convey their joy to me, who embrace and kiss with sincerity, who say what they think with respect and do not shut up, who teach me what love means and who are by my side when I really need it.

How to spot toxic people

In many areas of our life, at work, among our friends, in the family, we find people who are negative, who spoil the environment wherever they are and who make us feel bad. For this reason, it is very important to detect them as soon as possible and you will achieve it by knowing how they behave:

Sad woman in a lake

They believe that everything and everyone is against them

Toxic people are insecure and therefore continually think that all things and people around them are against them. Their lack of self-esteem is reflected in others, demonstrating their mistrust and discomfort, they are people who do not love themselves and who, therefore, are incapable of loving others or seeing the positive in other people.

They do not admit any advice

Toxic people think they know everything, they do not accept criticism or advice. They get angry if you tell them what you think and they reject you. Do not try to argue with such a person, it is a wasted effort, just change the subject and when you can walk away as quickly as possible.

They think that nothing has a solution

A toxic person only sees unsolvable problems and if they don’t, they create them. You will do everything you can to feel like a victim and play the victim in front of others, as a way to get attention. They will never see a change as an opportunity, a problem as a way of learning and they will not look for solutions, they will only regret it.

Girl sitting with sad expression

They hide in sincerity

Toxic people tend to say everything they think without filters and without a minimum of assertiveness or empathy towards others. They think they are sincere, but they are hurtful and they do not allow you to tell them what you think because they feel threatened.

That is, they hide behind the fact that they are sincere to say what they want without consequences and they are not able to accept your words, even if it is a constructive criticism.

Things that people who are crazy to live do

Positive people, people who are crazy about living, continuously learn, do many things to make the most of life and not stagnate. People who are crazy to live are the ones I want in my life because:

Take your responsibility

People who are crazy about living life assume that they are the ones who make the decisions, the ones who have the responsibility for what happens in their life, the ones who can change and learn. People who are crazy about living know that they are capable of doing what they set out to do.

Girl on bicycle smiling

They don’t compare themselves to other people

A positive person does not compare himself with anyone, because he knows his defects and his virtues, because he knows what he does well and always learns the lesson not to make the same mistakes. A person who has learned to love himself to be appreciated, will be able to love others, show his love and be loved by other people.

They do not eternally bemoan their mistakes

The person who knows how to love himself, who knows himself, has learned to take risks and their consequences. You know you can win or lose, but you always learn. He grows up knowing that mistakes and mistakes are part of our existence, because we are human, but he knows how to manage his emotions in his favor.

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