The Story Of The Carrot, The Egg And The Coffee

The history of the carrot, the egg and the coffee

“Once upon a time there was the daughter of an old gardener who constantly complained about her life and how difficult it was for her to move forward. I was tired of fighting and didn’t feel like doing anything; when a problem was solved, a new one appeared and that made her resign herself and feel defeated.

The gardener asked his daughter to come to his cabin kitchen and take a seat. Then he filled three containers with water and placed them over a fire. When the water began to boil, he placed a carrot in a container, an egg in another, and in the last one he poured some coffee beans . He let them boil without saying a word while his daughter waited impatiently without understanding what her father was doing. Twenty minutes later the father put out the fire. Took out the carrots and put them in a bowl. He took out the eggs and placed them on another plate. Finally, he poured the coffee.

He looked at his daughter and said: “ What do you see? ”. “Carrots, eggs and coffee,” was his reply. He brought her closer and asked her to touch the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft. Then he asked her to take an egg and break it. He peeled off the shell and looked at the hard-boiled egg. Then he asked her to sip the coffee. She smiled as she enjoyed his sweet scent. The daughter humbly asked, “What does this mean, Dad?”

He explained that all three elements had faced the same adversity: boiling water. But they had reacted very differently. The carrot arrive to the water strong, solid; but after going through the boiling water it had become weak, easy to undo. The egg had reached the water fragile, its thin shell protecting its liquid interior; but after being in boiling water, her insides had hardened. The coffee however was unique; after being in boiling water, he had changed the water.

“Which one are you?” He asked his daughter. “ When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot that seems strong but when adversity and pain touch you, you become weak and lose your strength? Are you an egg, which starts with a malleable heart? Did you possess a fluid spirit, but after a death, a separation, or a layoff, have you become tough and rigid? On the outside you are the same but, how have you transformed on the inside?

Or are you like coffee? Coffee changes water, the element that causes you pain. When the water reaches the boiling point, the coffee reaches its best flavor. If you are like the coffee bean, when things get worse you react better and make things around you better.

And you, which of the three are you?

Without a doubt, this story conveys a profound message to us. Being an egg or a carrot only hurts you, so: get up and go! Do not stop. Struggle. Because when you will not have strength is tomorrow if you let it pass today. Be strong and trust yourself. Learn to handle adversity.

Cup of coffee

Don’t forget your destiny and believe in it

To keep alive the motivation to achieve what we want, it is essential that this objective always be with us. Remember what is worth to you : make a mental image in which you are achieving it, close your eyes and feel the power of your thoughts .


When something does not go as expected, we need to put the puzzle back together, since something is left unarmed. Don’t think that everything has to be linear in life. By definition it is going to demand changes from us, nothing is static.

Be flexible, balance does not exist but the demands of life are changing and things stay in place for a short time. If plan A doesn’t work, remember that the alphabet has 27 letters .

Face obstacles: balance your thoughts

A failure is just that, one. And, furthermore, it is transitory. It may make you regress but, when that happens, turn that failure into an opportunity by remembering that achievements are best friends in the company: recapitulate and take stock of how you have overcome difficulties, those are your achievements. Don’t lose sight of them!

Sometimes, we impose the barriers on ourselves and they may consist of thinking if we are doing it well or badly, if it hurts or not and in the habit of repeating negative thoughts like the daughter of the gardener.

Thoughts are not facts so it is essential that you act to achieve your goals.   Be a warrior and eliminate from your path what hinders your goals. Sometimes it is other people or the same circumstances but generally we are the ones who put the obstacles in the way. Later the rest will come .

Woman walking barefoot

Let the difficulties appear

Accept that it is natural for difficulties to appear and experience the positive of them, as they help you revalue your goal. Accept it, allow it, and let it be. Be like the Phoenix and be reborn in all your glory, remembering the difficulties you went through to start a new life, a new journey.

Managing difficulties and trusting us is not an easy task, but it is worth reflecting and thinking about how we avoid each blow that life gives us, each obstacle that makes it difficult for us to reach the goal.

When something ends, something else begins . They say that triumph arises from the ashes of error and that in adversity we must always maintain a light that guides us and points the way. But “it is our light and not our darkness that intimidates us”

Have faith that you are going to get it because, whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you will be right.

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