The Value Of The Potential Of The Human Being In Extreme Situations

The value of the potential of the human being in extreme situations

Is there anything more moving than seeing the potentialities of the human being in action in extreme situations? Sure there is. There are so many moving things in our life… But there is something deeply moving and touching in the altruistic act of the human being in extreme situations. Situations inhabited by fear, danger and the much dreaded uncertainty.

Karl Jaspers (1883–1969), a German psychiatrist and philosopher, already studied and wrote about extreme situations (Grenzsituationen) in his time. He defined them as those situations presented to the human being in which a curious paradox occurs. They are situations that seem like dead-end labyrinths, but which, at the same time, contain in themselves the possibility of being overcome. They are contradictory situations with which life surprises us. Crucial moments in which, despite the horror of uncertainty, we can see the meaning of our life more clearly outlined. Everything that gives meaning and meaning to our existence.

In extreme situations inhabit the potentialities of the human being

Normally, it is in extreme situations when the human being finds himself in front of himself without masks and without defenses. Now survival prevails. Finding a way out of this labyrinth that has just been presented to us.

It seems that in these situations the human being is also capable of getting the best of himself. He is able to cooperate and collaborate with others, with the colleagues with whom he is living this extreme experience. On many occasions, the potentialities of the human being flourish with enormous energy in these types of situations.

People who save others even though their integrity is in real danger. That in the face of a natural catastrophe they unite to safeguard their well-being and that of others. People who go to conflict zones to help with whatever is necessary. Human beings who mobilize to protect the most defenseless being: without another interest, without another will.

Hands of one person holding others

We find meaning in life when we are in contact with the best of ourselves

There are many examples that show that it is possible to get the best out of yourself in extreme situations. That you can build on darkness and rubble. Being useful to others is a very valuable need that lives in us. Being able to help the other person in that what we do best is a caress to the soul that comforts.

In this type of situation, in which uncertainty reigns and the precipice gains in height,  everything is outlined with greater clarity. The possible solutions and alternatives to the conflict (internal or external) are seen with greater precision than they would be if there were no urgency to act.

Victor Frankl spoke, in turn, of finding meaning in one’s own existence through adverse situations. Carl Rogers also spoke about the potentialities of the human being. They are both fully confident in our potential. In its valuable power to make our existence fuller, more authentic and in tune with our environment.

Viktor Frankl as representative author of the potentialities of the human being

After the shocks and the uncertainty, the flowering of the human being

It is amazing and encouraging to see how people, even damaged, can flourish after experiencing extreme experiences. How they learn what they want in their lives and what they want to do without. How, at last, they discover their abilities, the most genuine and hitherto hidden.

It is as if after the great shock of life they found the purest and most idiosyncratic potential that it harbors in them. And after finding it, they decided to live after it. Without losing it along the way. Showing and sharing with the rest of humans the most genuine and beautiful that is in them.

Surely you can think of a person who was reborn. Someone who built herself after an experience similar to those discussed above. That person who after that experience has painted his life with other colors. And a kind of indescribable serenity appears in her. A serenity that nourishes and gives meaning to your present.  The good thing is that this person is or will be in us too.

Blue rose blooming

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