Walking The Path Of Detachment

Walk the path of detachment

The consumer society has been transforming everything considered as an accessory into something necessary and the latter into urgent and scarce. In this way, not only products are sold, but also ideas and ways of living.

The problem occurs when we hold on to what they offer us as if there were no other options, as if our life depended on it. The result is a day-to-day incarceration, a routine conditioned by what we have labeled as indispensable and to what, in most cases, we have attributed the – mistaken – ability to make us happy.

No matter they are people, objects or experiences, nothing by itself can inspire happiness anxiety, because it is not outside but inside each one of us. The point is, we seem to forget it. What happens to us?

The feeling of attachment

Woman with feelings of attachment for her partner

We can feel attachment to people, animals or personal objects endowed with some sentimental value, but this is not only attachment. Attachment can also refer to the acceptance of our own beliefs or particular ways of doing things, causing us discomfort when we see it damaged. Thus, our attachment limits us, causing us suffering on many occasions, becoming our glasses to look at the world.

Attachment is based on our fear and insecurity, and the latter is based on the lack of knowledge of our Self.

Therefore, attachment would be an emotional state of attachment, in some cases compulsive, to a particular thing, person or thought, which sometimes generates the persistent belief that without it one cannot live or be happy. But happiness is not what surrounds us or where we can tie ourselves, happiness grows from the inside out, hidden many times behind the thoughts of our mind.

And what does detachment consist of?

Girl with eyes closed reflecting on detachment

Detachment allows us to relate to everything but without causing pain and suffering. It consists in detaching ourselves from our interest in the result, without giving up intention or desire, immersing ourselves in the unknown, entering the field of all possibilities.

Detachment implies living in the present, in the here and now, accepting reality and the events that are happening. It is related to the enjoyment of things, knowing that they are transitory, that they do not remain or are static. Everything around us is changing, including our way of being, depending on the experiences in which we are participating.

Detaching ourselves does not mean that nothing matters to us but rather that we learn to love, care and get involved without generating deep internal chaos, forgetting the need to possess in order to be happy.

Detaching ourselves is the support of our freedom, allowing others to be free as well. It is freeing yourself from stiffness by making way for flexibility and possibilities. To detach is to begin to discover yourself without the obstacle of security and certainty.

Detachment involves understanding that losses will happen and will be inevitable. That we will let go of the hand what we love, but without ceasing to love it.


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