We Are Too Young To Be So Sad

We are too young to be so sad

The change in the economic and social trend in a markedly negative way is affecting a whole generation of young people, who are sad. Everyone feels it and lives it like that, but it is difficult to express it. Just before the situation became hopelessly worse, we were hopeful that our generation would not have to wait close to a decade for the situation to normalize. Now we see that this figure is even optimistic in this situation, but we continue walking.

This phrase that titles the article went viral on the networks, and it was an illustration by Sara Herranz. The writer came up with the idea for this illustration while watching the movie “Beginners” and included it in her book Everything I Never Told You I keep here. 

With this illustration, thousands of young people were identified, who do not have any health problem or basic deficiencies, but who have seen their future take a 180 degree turn in terms of academic and work aspirations and with no possibilities of independence from the his parents’ house.

Still, we are too young to be so sad. But sometimes, venting and dealing with an issue that has become taboo because many carry it with shame, is the first step to knowing how something strange is taking this time and detecting possible cases of depression or anxiety.

The influence of sadness on young people

Happiness and sadness are not all or nothing, every day we can experience different emotions, and throughout a week we can go through very sad moments and also moments of joy. But the common denominator of this common generation is the following: hopelessness about the future.

Young girl hugging clothes

We have to be aware that hopelessness is one of the main catalysts for a depressive episode to occur. Currently, there has been an  increase of approximately 15 to 20% more cases of depression diagnosed in the current generation of young people compared to the predecessor generation.

Many of the young people see that after all their lives studying they have had to do jobs that are not related to their professional domain. Others have had to emigrate and at the same time they did, they also carried out low-skilled jobs in a foreign country. Nobody was prepared for this situation, so in a very short time they have had to put personal resources into operation in the face of stressful situations that overwhelmed them day in and day out.

It is logical, therefore, to stop blaming ourselves and assume that the more educated generation is giving the size, even with a courage that suggests that they were made to the idea for years; when in fact the situation changed drastically in a very short time.

We must learn from everything that happens to us

It is not the same that this bad economic situation affects a person who already had a stable position and a recognized career, than finding the situation just when you were going to go out into the world, and the only thing you have found is slamming doors.

So when we are sad, we have to think about what we are gaining and what we are losing. Above all, we must learn from everything that happens to us. We will develop a unique social awareness and empathy to analyze the world’s problems from many perspectives. Our resilience has developed at breakneck speed, our emotional intelligence has managed to get us out of more situations than anything we have learned in previous years.

We are more open, less naive and also more supportive. We value honesty, simplicity and decency like few previous generations. Hypocrisy is our enemy, as are vanity and extravagance.

We are prepared for change, and we will do better, we will leave another way of doing things to the next generations. Many days your psychological resistance may be broken but you will get back up. We are too young to be so sad, so it is time to get up and carry on.

Young girl sitting listening to music

We are sad but we are not alone

If any person goes through any depressive or hopeless situation alone, they may live it with fear and shame, but in reality, in this situation sadness is supported if we feel part of a network of people who are going through very similar situations.

We do not relax because it is a chaotic situation in general, but a psychological phenomenon occurs: our guilt becomes more bearable, dissipates, since we do not attribute our situation to internal, stable and global aspects of our person, but rather we realize it. that it is a shared evil.

Faced with this situation, it is not necessary to isolate oneself, since facing the situation in a passive and catastrophic way does not help anything. You have to get ready, get dressed and go out even if you don’t feel like it. The desire will come later. And it is that out there is the opportunity to resume our life. As Jean Paul Sartre said:

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