We Mature With Damage, Not With Age

We get wiser with setbacks, not with time

It is not time that makes us understand that defeats deserve that we look head-on and renew our spirit. It is the injuries and pangs in the stomach that turn our world upside down and dismantle our life. And it is that leaving a battle hurt or hurt is the best way to understand that in life there are as many reasons to suffer as one wants. 

Pain has a color as sad as the roads full of dry leaves broken by the passage of its passersby, but it is as necessary to regenerate us as autumn is for the flowering of our trees.

When the sky becomes cloudy, only a wise gaze forged in melancholy can appreciate its beauty and its motive. And it is that the rain, like the tears, has the power to clean everything and to help us to contemplate what surrounds us with clarity.


Wisdom beyond the passing of years

For their part, the years give us the perspective of having accumulated lost battles and mixed feelings. Time embraces us with the baggage that it offers to think of oneself and to have had to lick our wounds.

Age and damage make a perfect team to build land to sow with every step. Let’s say that they offer us the possibility of enjoying an experienced look that can see beyond vision, eyes and time.

It is not necessary to reach the third age to know that our knowledge can go beyond the filter of the mind. Within the four walls of wisdom is a site of emotional insight, an oasis of teachings, and a haven for maturity.

Emotional maturity is not like physical maturity. Our body inevitably develops over the years. We grow old and wrinkle without being able to avoid it. We cannot affirm that the years carry with them a parallel psychological development although, obviously, it also has a lot to do with it.

walk away

There are hundreds of manuals that teach us to develop skills that we do not even imagine, however there are none that help us manage ourselves in life. Nobody tells us how we have to grow emotionally, but we learn it by trial and error (that is, falling and getting up).

Not having an easy life teaches us to travel the most complicated paths that exist, those of oneself. And it is not about furnishing our heads with pieces of the best quality, but about studying our hearts and our emotions.

Yes, the damage and pain they cause help us to develop our emotional intelligence, to accept what is coming, to flow and to look within without fear, winking at all those complicated situations that one day made us fall.

Sometimes the impermanence of what is essential hits us hard and crumbles our castle, but we still have a whole vital journey next to that part of us that suffered or that suffers. That is why we have to take care of it …

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