You Decide If You Live Or Only Survive

You decide if you live or just survive

You decide if you live or just survive. If you let yourself go, passing through the world on tiptoe full of concern for its many dangers, or if you take risks and enjoy whatever happens. Because he who does not risk does not win and in this life, unfortunately, as much as we want to, we cannot control everything that happens around us.

You decide if you live haunted by the worries of the thousands of misfortunes that can happen to you and those you love, or if you accept uncertainty as just another part of life. After all, drowning in a glass of water is one more option among all those available in your day-to-day life.

However, if despite everything, you cannot help feeling that excessive concern for multiple circumstances of daily life overwhelms you, then you still suffer from what is called, according to the different current diagnostic classifications, the DSM-5 and the ICD- 10, a Generalized Anxiety Disorder, better known as GAD.

underwater woman

If you live without living you suffer more

If you live without living, trying to avoid everything bad, in the end you suffer it without what you are trying to prevent from happening, in reality, from happening. Anticipating a possible suffering, an accident, a catastrophe, only makes you suffer for something that has not happened and that is very likely never to happen.

This constant worry causes you to have concentration problems and difficulty sleeping, because you continually focus on a dramatic future in which the most everyday situations are affected. You think that the reason why your son is slow to call you is because he has suffered an accident or that you will be unable to carry out future work that your boss sends you.

And this makes you less efficient, which means, in part, confirming your worries and thus reaffirming the meaning that constantly worrying has for you. What produces a vicious circle that feeds off your own discomfort and anxiety itself, since if you feel anxiety, you perform worse.

The cause of this is none other than anxiety, which does not let you do things in the most appropriate way possible, and therefore you feel more irritable than usual.

In addition, this is complemented by the physical alterations that anxiety produces in our body, which in the case of Generalized Anxiety Disorder usually manifest with muscle tension and fatigue. So if you have continuous muscle aches, without anything justifying them, or you are not able to do as much sport as you used to, it may be because anxiety is taking a toll on your body.

Anxious woman

You decide how you live your life

You keep deciding how you live your own life. If you accept that everyone, without exception, is going to suffer at some point and that, in addition, worrying about it does not mean that you can avoid it, you can break this vicious circle.

There are many people who do not live their dreams because they are too busy living their fears. You can decide what kind of person you are going to be, those who live and enjoy every second or those who do not live because they fear suffering at every step they take.

You can start living in such a way that you begin to focus on all those wonderful opportunities that life is giving you and that you now overlook, just because you are paralyzed by the fear of losing them. Enjoy everything, including the little things, because we don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow. Think that  whatever happens, there is only one life, make it count!

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